Alexander Nanni
Cited by
Cited by
The CIPP Model: Applications in language program evaluation
S Sopha, A Nanni
The Journal of Asia TEFL 16 (4), 1360–1367, 2019
Written corrective feedback: Preferences and justifications of teachers and students in a Thai context
DA Black, A Nanni
GEMA OnlineŽ Journal of Language Studies 16 (3), 99–114, 2016
Piracy, playing the system, or poor policies? Perspectives on plagiarism in Thailand
NEJA Bowen, A Nanni
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 51, 2021
Conversation analysis in language teacher education: An approach for reflection through action research
CC Hale, A Nanni, D Hooper
Hacettepe University Journal of Education 33, 54–71, 2018
Teaching English through the use of cloud-based animation software
A Nanni
The 35th Thailand TESOL International Conference Proceedings, 1–11, 2015
Leveraging students’ digital literacy through Project-Based Learning
A Nanni, K Pusey
The Asian EFL Journal 24 (1), 141–164, 2020
The impact of global university rankings on universities in Thailand: Don’t hate the player, hate the game
D Rhein, A Nanni
Globalization, Societies, and Education, 2021
Student and teacher preferences in written corrective feedback
A Nanni, DA Black
Journal of Asia TEFL 14 (3), 540–547, 2017
PBL and the New Ecological Paradigm: Fostering environmental awareness through project-based learning
A Nanni, L Allan
Journal of AsiaTEFL 17 (3), 1085–1092, 2020
Educational entrepreneurship in an intensive English program in Thailand: A case study
A Nanni
SAGE Open 2021 (January–March), 1–13, 2021
Performing a balancing act: A trioethnography of “foreign” EMI lecturers in Bangkok
N Thomas, NEJA Bowen, S Louw, A Nanni
English-medium instruction pedagogies in multilingual universities in Asia …, 2023
EAP in a time of crisis: Preliminary perspectives on emergency remote teaching
K Pusey, A Nanni
English Australia Journal 37 (2), 5–19, 2021
Assessing mental health among Thai university students: A cross-sectional study
D Rhein, A Nanni
SAGE Open 12 (4), 2022
Thai university students’ attitudes toward online language learning in a time of crisis
K Pusey, A Nanni
SAGE Open, 1–12, 2022
Reframing the goals of academic speaking: Targeting discussion sub-skills in curriculum design
A Nanni, D Brown
The 4th FLLT Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 2016
Assessment of ELLs’ critical thinking using the Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric
A Nanni, P Wilkinson
Language Education in Asia 5 (2), 283–291, 2014
Characteristics of effective English language teachers: Student and teacher perspectives at a Thai university
A Quieti, A Nanni
SAGE Open 12 (2), 21582440221103523, 2022
EAP students’ attitudes toward instruction online at a Thai university: Preliminary findings
A Nanni, K Pusey
The Journal of Asia TEFL 18 (4), 1493–1502, 2021
Technology-based change in Thai education: The One Tablet Per Child initiative
J Hardy, A Nanni
The International Journal of Technologies in Learning 22 (4), 41, 2015
Measuring the impact of a positive psychology course at a Thai university: Addressing student well-being in challenging times
I McDonald, A Nanni
Psychology in the Schools 60 (9), 3403–3418, 2023
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Articles 1–20