Eve R. Colson, MD, MHPE
Eve R. Colson, MD, MHPE
Professor, Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
確認したメール アドレス: wustl.edu
Qualitative analysis of mothers' decision-making about vaccines for infants: the importance of trust
AL Benin, DJ Wisler-Scher, E Colson, ED Shapiro, ES Holmboe
Pediatrics 117 (5), 1532-1541, 2006
Regional brain volumes and their later neurodevelopmental correlates in term and preterm infants
BS Peterson, AW Anderson, R Ehrenkranz, LH Staib, M Tageldin, ...
Pediatrics 111 (5), 939-948, 2003
Trends and factors associated with infant bed sharing, 1993-2010: the National Infant Sleep Position Study
ER Colson, M Willinger, D Rybin, T Heeren, LA Smith, G Lister, MJ Corwin
JAMA pediatrics 167 (11), 1032-1037, 2013
Neonatal auditory activation detected by functional magnetic resonance imaging
AW Anderson, R Marois, ER Colson, BS Peterson, CC Duncan, ...
Magnetic resonance imaging 19 (1), 1-5, 2001
Trends and factors associated with infant sleeping position: the national infant sleep position study, 1993-2007
ER Colson, D Rybin, LA Smith, T Colton, G Lister, MJ Corwin
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 163 (12), 1122-1128, 2009
Safe infant sleep interventions: what is the evidence for successful behavior change?
R Y Moon, F R Hauck, E R Colson
Current pediatric reviews 12 (1), 67-75, 2016
Postpartum mothers’ attitudes, knowledge, and trust regarding vaccination
AC Wu, DJ Wisler-Sher, K Griswold, E Colson, ED Shapiro, ES Holmboe, ...
Maternal and child health journal 12, 766-773, 2008
Barriers to following the supine sleep recommendation among mothers at four centers for the Women, Infants, and Children Program
ER Colson, S Levenson, D Rybin, C Calianos, A Margolis, T Colton, ...
Pediatrics 118 (2), e243-e250, 2006
Reasons why women accept or reject the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) during pregnancy
PM Meharry, ER Colson, AP Grizas, R Stiller, M Vázquez
Maternal and child health journal 17, 156-164, 2013
Experiences of patients identifying with chronic Lyme disease in the healthcare system: a qualitative study
A Ali, L Vitulano, R Lee, TR Weiss, ER Colson
BMC family practice 15, 1-8, 2014
Maternal report of advice received for infant care
SR Eisenberg, MH Bair-Merritt, ER Colson, TC Heeren, NL Geller, ...
Pediatrics 136 (2), e315-e322, 2015
Influence of prior advice and beliefs of mothers on infant sleep position
I Von Kohorn, MJ Corwin, DV Rybin, TC Heeren, G Lister, ER Colson
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 164 (4), 363-369, 2010
Factors associated with choice of infant sleep position
ER Colson, NL Geller, T Heeren, MJ Corwin
Pediatrics 140 (3), 2017
Infant sleep location and breastfeeding practices in the United States, 2011–2014
LA Smith, NL Geller, AL Kellams, ER Colson, DV Rybin, T Heeren, ...
Academic Pediatrics 16 (6), 540-549, 2016
Trends in infant bedding use: National Infant Sleep Position study, 1993–2010
CK Shapiro-Mendoza, ER Colson, M Willinger, DV Rybin, L Camperlengo, ...
Pediatrics 135 (1), 10-17, 2015
Toddler development
ER Colson, PH Dworkin
Pediatrics in review 18 (8), 255-259, 1997
Changing nursery practice gets inner-city infants in the supine position for sleep
ER Colson, SC Joslin
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 156 (7), 717-720, 2002
Barriers to following the back-to-sleep recommendations: insights from focus groups with inner-city caregivers
ER Colson, LK McCabe, K Fox, S Levenson, T Colton, G Lister, ...
Ambulatory Pediatrics 5 (6), 349-354, 2005
The effect of nursing quality improvement and mobile health interventions on infant sleep practices: a randomized clinical trial
RY Moon, FR Hauck, ER Colson, AL Kellams, NL Geller, T Heeren, ...
Jama 318 (4), 351-359, 2017
Position for newborn sleep: associations with parents' perceptions of their nursery experience
ER Colson, DM Bergman, E Shapiro, JH Leventhal
Birth 28 (4), 249-253, 2001
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