Gavin M. Jones
Gavin M. Jones
Research Ecologist, Rocky Mountain Research Station
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Cited by
Megafires: an emerging threat to old-forest species
GM Jones, RJ Gutiérrez, DJ Tempel, SA Whitmore, WJ Berigan, MZ Peery
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (6), 300-306, 2016
Pyrodiversity and biodiversity: A history, synthesis, and outlook
GM Jones, MW Tingley
Diversity and Distributions 28 (3), 386-403, 2022
Pyrosilviculture needed for landscape resilience of dry western United States forests
MP North, RA York, BM Collins, MD Hurteau, GM Jones, EE Knapp, ...
Journal of Forestry 119 (5), 520–544, 2021
What do you mean, ‘megafire’?
GD Linley, CJ Jolly, TS Doherty, WL Geary, D Armenteras, CM Belcher, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2022
Declining old‐forest species as a legacy of large trees lost
GM Jones, JJ Keane, RJ Gutiérrez, MZ Peery
Diversity and Distributions 24 (3), 341-351, 2018
Habitat selection by spotted owls after a megafire reflects their adaptation to historical frequent-fire regimes
GM Jones, HA Kramer, SA Whitmore, WJ Berigan, DJ Tempel, CM Wood, ...
Landscape Ecology 35, 1199-1213, 2020
Evaluating short- and long-term impacts of fuels treatments and simulated wildfire on an old-forest species
DJ Tempel, RJ Gutiérrez, JJ Battles, DL Fry, Y Su, Q Guo, MJ Reetz, ...
Ecosphere 6 (12), 261, 2015
Mega‐disturbances cause rapid decline of mature conifer forest habitat in California
ZL Steel, GM Jones, BM Collins, R Green, A Koltunov, KL Purcell, ...
Ecological Applications 33 (2), e2763, 2023
California spotted owl habitat selection in a fire-managed landscape suggests conservation benefit of restoring historical fire regimes
A Kramer, GM Jones, SA Whitmore, JJ Keane, FA Atuo, BP Dotters, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 479, 118576, 2021
Forest restoration limits megafires and supports species conservation under climate change
GM Jones, AR Keyser, AL Westerling, WJ Baldwin, JJ Keane, SC Sawyer, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20 (4), 210-216, 2022
Meta-analysis of California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) territory occupancy in the Sierra Nevada: Habitat associations and their implications for forest …
DJ Tempel, JJ Keane, RJ Gutiérrez, JD Wolfe, GM Jones, A Koltunov, ...
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 118 (4), 747-765, 2016
Megafire causes persistent loss of an old‐forest species
GM Jones, HA Kramer, WJ Berigan, SA Whitmore, RJ Gutiérrez, MZ Peery
Animal Conservation 24 (6), 925-936, 2021
Modeling behavioral thermoregulation in a climate change sentinel
L Moyer‐Horner, PD Mathewson, GM Jones, MR Kearney, WP Porter
Ecology and Evolution 5 (24), 5810-5822, 2015
Cryptic wide‐ranging movements lead to upwardly‐biased occupancy in a territorial species
WJ Berigan, GM Jones, SA Whitmore, RJ Gutiérrez, MZ Peery
Journal of Applied Ecology 56 (2), 470-480, 2019
Climate change and forest management on federal lands in the Pacific Northwest, USA: Managing for dynamic landscapes
WL Gaines, PF Hessburg, GH Aplet, P Henson, SJ Prichard, DJ Churchill, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 504, 119794, 2022
Trophic interactions mediate the response of predator populations to habitat change
BK Hobart, GM Jones, KN Roberts, BP Dotters, SA Whitmore, WJ Berigan, ...
Biological Conservation 238, 108217, 2019
The conundrum of agenda-driven science in conservation
MZ Peery, GM Jones, RJ Gutiérrez, SM Redpath, AB Franklin, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (2), 80-82, 2019
Using dynamic occupancy models to inform climate change adaptation strategies for California spotted owls
GM Jones, RJ Gutiérrez, DJ Tempel, B Zuckerberg, MZ Peery
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (3), 895–905, 2016
Framing management of social-ecological systems in terms of the cost of failure: the Sierra Nevada, USA as a case study
CM Wood, GM Jones
Environmental Research Letters 14, 105004, 2019
Assessing the quality of fire refugia for wildlife habitat
RA Andrus, AJ Martinez, GM Jones, AJH Meddens
Forest Ecology and Management 482, 118868, 2021
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Articles 1–20