Kimitaka Asatani
Kimitaka Asatani
確認したメール アドレス: ipr-ctr.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Detecting trends in academic research from a citation network using network representation learning
K Asatani, J Mori, M Ochi, I Sakata
PloS one 13 (5), e0197260, 2018
Scientific attention to sustainability and SDGs: Meta-analysis of academic papers
K Asatani, H Takeda, H Yamano, I Sakata
Energies 13 (4), 975, 2020
Emerging trends in roadmapping research: A bibliometric literature review
S Vinayavekhin, R Phaal, T Thanamaitreejit, K Asatani
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 35 (5), 558-572, 2023
Dense and influential core promotion of daily viral information spread in political echo chambers
K Asatani, H Yamano, T Sakaki, I Sakata
Scientific reports 11 (1), 7491, 2021
Large-scale analysis of delayed recognition using sleeping beauty and the prince
T Miura, K Asatani, I Sakata
Applied Network Science 6 (1), 48, 2021
Categorization of mergers and acquisitions in Japan using corporate databases: A fundamental research for prediction
B Shao, K Asatani, I Sakata
2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2018
Categorization of mergers and acquisitions using transaction network features
B Shao, K Asatani, H Sasaki, I Sakata
Research in International Business and Finance 57, 101421, 2021
Evaluating Emerging Technologies on the Gartner Hype Cycle by Network Analysis: A Display Technology Case Study
Y Kondo, K Asatani, I Sakata
2022 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2022
evaluating nodes of Latent Mediators in Heterogeneous communities
H Yamano, K Asatani, I Sakata
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8456, 2020
Representation learning for geospatial areas using large-scale mobility data from smart card
M Ochi, Y Nakashio, Y Yamashita, I Sakata, K Asatani, M Ruttley, J Mori
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2016
Rise and decline process of online communities
K Asatani, H Ohashi, F Toriumi
Proceedings of the SSC’14 Conference, 329-338, 2014
Classifying sleeping beauties and princes using citation rarity
T Miura, K Asatani, I Sakata
Complex Networks & Their Applications IX: Volume 1, Proceedings of the Ninth …, 2021
Analysis of mergers and acquisitions trends in the semiconductor industry with the technology perspective
B Shao, K Asatani, I Sakata
2019 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2019
Obtaining interactions among science, technology, and research policy for developing an innovation strategy: A case study of supercapacitors
C Ishii, K Asatani, I Sakata
Heliyon 8 (9), 2022
小山耕平, 浅谷公威, 榊剛史, 坂田一郎
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第 33 回 (2019), 2E5J602-2E5J602, 2019
Quantifying progress in research topics across nations
K Asatani, S Oki, T Momma, I Sakata
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4759, 2023
Revisiting the uniformity and inconsistency of slow-cited papers in science
T Miura, K Asatani, I Sakata
Journal of Informetrics 17 (1), 101378, 2023
Communication based on unilateral preference on twitter: Internet luring in japan
K Asatani, Y Kawahata, F Toriumi, I Sakata
Social Informatics: 10th International Conference, SocInfo 2018, St …, 2018
An extended framework for context modeling
D Mitsuhashi, T Kanno, S Inoue, D Karikawa, K Nonose, K Asatani, ...
Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2021
Detecting interpersonal relationships in large-scale railway trip data
K Asatani, F Toriumi, J Mori, M Ochi, I Sakata
Journal of Computational Social Science 1, 313-326, 2018
論文 1–20