Nasreen Kausar
Nasreen Kausar
Balıkesir University, Balıkesir, Turkey
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A novel applications of complex intuitionistic fuzzy sets in group theory
M Gulzar, MH Mateen, D Alghazzawi, N Kausar
IEEE Access 8, 196075-196085, 2020
A type-3 fuzzy control for current sharing and voltage balancing in microgrids
A Taghieh, A Mohammadzadeh, C Zhang, N Kausar, O Castillo
Applied Soft Computing 129, 109636, 2022
A Certain Class of t-Intuitionistic Fuzzy Subgroups
M Gulzar, D Alghazzawi, MH Mateen, N Kausar
IEEE access 8, 163260-163268, 2020
Neutrosophic Rayleigh model with some basic characteristics and engineering applications
Z Khan, M Gulistan, N Kausar, C Park
IEEE Access 9, 71277-71283, 2021
Intuitionistic fuzzy normal subrings over a non-associative ring
T Shah, N Kausar, I Rehman
Analele Ştiinţifice Ale Universităţii" Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Matematică …, 2012
Direct product of finite intuitionistic anti fuzzy normal subrings over non-associative rings
N Kausar
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 12 (2), 622-648, 2019
Medical robotic engineering selection based on square root neutrosophic normal interval-valued sets and their aggregated operators
M Palanikumar, N Kausar, H Garg, A Iampan, S Kadry, M Sharaf
Aims Mathematics 8 (8), 17402-17432, 2023
Joule heating and viscous dissipation effects in hydromagnetized boundary layer flow with variable temperature
T Naseem, U Fatima, M Munir, A Shahzad, N Kausar, KS Nisar, CA Saleel, ...
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 35, 102083, 2022
On iterative techniques for estimating all roots of nonlinear equation and its system with application in differential equation
M Shams, N Rafiq, N Kausar, P Agarwal, C Park, NA Mir
Advances in Difference Equations 2021, 1-18, 2021
Characterizations of non-associative ordered semigroups by their fuzzy bi-ideals
T Shah, N Kausar
Theoretical Computer Science 529, 96-110, 2014
Multi-criteria decision-making for smog mitigation: a comprehensive analysis of health, economic, and ecological impacts
S Kousar, A Ansar, N Kausar, G Freen
Spectrum of Decision Making and Applications 2 (1), 53-67, 2025
Simplifying the complexity in the problem of choosing the best private-sector partner
P Qiu, A Sorourkhah, N Kausar, T Cagin, SA Edalatpanah
Systems 11 (2), 80, 2023
New applications of various distance techniques to multi-criteria decision-making challenges for ranking vague sets
M Palanikumar, N Kausar, SF Ahmed, SA Edalatpanah, E Ozbilge, ...
Aims Mathematics 8 (5), 11397-11424, 2023
Multi-objective optimization model for uncertain crop production under neutrosophic fuzzy environment: A case study
S Kousar, MN Sangi, N Kausar, D Pamučar, E Ozbilge, T Cagin
AIMS Mathematics 8 (3), 7584-7605, 2023
A novel approach based on neutrosophic Bonferroni mean operator of trapezoidal and triangular neutrosophic interval environments in multi-attribute group decision making
D Nagarajan, A Kanchana, K Jacob, N Kausar, SA Edalatpanah, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 10455, 2023
On efficient fractional Caputo-type simultaneous scheme for finding all roots of polynomial equations with biomedical engineering applications
M Shams, N Kausar, C Samaniego, P Agarwal, SF Ahmed, S Momani
Fractals 31 (04), 2340075, 2023
A new partial correlation coefficient technique based on intuitionistic fuzzy information and its pattern recognition application
PA Ejegwa, IC Onyeke, N Kausar, P Kattel
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 2023 (1), 5540085, 2023
An integrated fuzzy structured methodology for performance evaluation of high schools in a group decision-making problem
P Li, SA Edalatpanah, A Sorourkhah, S Yaman, N Kausar
Systems 11 (3), 159, 2023
Characterizations of non-associative rings by the properties of their fuzzy ideals
N Kausar, B Islam, MY Javaid, SA Ahmad, U Ijaz
Journal of Taibah University for Science 13 (1), 820-833, 2019
On family of the Caputo-type fractional numerical scheme for solving polynomial equations
M Shams, N Kausar, P Agarwal, S Jain, MA Salman, MA Shah
Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering 31 (1), 2181959, 2023
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Articles 1–20