Shalinee Kishore
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Cited by
Digital communications
G John
Mc-Graw-Hill, 2001
Wireless diversity through network coding
Y Chen, S Kishore, J Li
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. WCNC 2006. 3 …, 2006
CDMA mobile station wireless transmission power management with adaptive scheduling priorities based on battery power level
P Agrawal, JC Chen, S Kishore, KM Sivalingam
US Patent 6,072,784, 2000
MPC-based appliance scheduling for residential building energy management controller
C Chen, J Wang, Y Heo, S Kishore
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 (3), 1401-1410, 2013
A distributed direct load control approach for large-scale residential demand response
C Chen, J Wang, S Kishore
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (5), 2219-2228, 2014
Dynamic resource allocation schemes during handoff for mobile multimedia wireless networks
P Ramanathan, KM Sivalingam, P Agrawal, S Kishore
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 17 (7), 1270-1283, 1999
A comparison of MAC protocols for wireless local networks based on battery power consumption
JC Chen, KM Sivalingam, P Agrawal, S Kishore
Proceedings. IEEE INFOCOM'98, the Conference on Computer Communications …, 1998
An innovative RTP-based residential power scheduling scheme for smart grids
C Chen, S Kishore, LV Snyder
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
Smart (in-home) power scheduling for demand response on the smart grid
G Xiong, C Chen, S Kishore, A Yener
ISGT 2011, 1-7, 2011
Control mechanisms for residential electricity demand in smartgrids
S Kishore, LV Snyder
2010 First IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, 443-448, 2010
Adaptive frequency channel assignment based on battery power level in wireless access protocols
P Agrawal, S Kishore, KM Sivalingam
US Patent 5,974,327, 1999
Battery power sensitive video processing in wireless networks
P Agrawal, JC Chen, S Kishore, P Ramanathan, K Sivalingam
Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 1998
A communication-based appliance scheduling scheme for consumer-premise energy management systems
C Chen, KG Nagananda, G Xiong, S Kishore, LV Snyder
IEEE Transactions on smart Grid 4 (1), 56-65, 2013
Asymptotic analysis of amplify-and-forward relaying in Nakagami-fading environments
Y Li, S Kishore
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6 (12), 4256-4262, 2007
Uplink user capacity in a CDMA macrocell with a hotspot microcell: exact and approximate analyses
S Kishore, LJ Greenstein, HV Poor, SC Schwartz
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2 (2), 364-374, 2003
GPS spoofing attack characterization and detection in smart grids
P Pradhan, K Nagananda, P Venkitasubramaniam, S Kishore, RS Blum
2016 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 391-395, 2016
Analysis of distributed consensus time synchronization with Gaussian delay over wireless sensor networks
G Xiong, S Kishore
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2009, 1-9, 2009
How will demand response aggregators affect electricity markets?—A Cournot game analysis
C Chen, S Kishore, Z Wang, M Alizadeh, A Scaglione
2012 5th international symposium on communications, control and signal …, 2012
Discrete-time second-order distributed consensus time synchronization algorithm for wireless sensor networks
G Xiong, S Kishore
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2009, 1-12, 2008
A game-theoretic analysis of decode-and-forward user cooperation
Y Chen, S Kishore
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (5), 1941-1951, 2008
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Articles 1–20