Josep Bosch
Josep Bosch
Underwater Robotics Research Center (CIRS), Universitat de Girona
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Cited by
AUV homing and docking for remote operations
N Palomeras, G Vallicrosa, A Mallios, J Bosch, E Vidal, N Hurtos, ...
Ocean Engineering 154, 106-120, 2018
Close-Range Tracking of Underwater Vehicles Using Light Beacons
J Bosch, N Gracias, P Ridao, K Istenič, D Ribas
Sensors 16 (4), 429, 2016
Omnidirectional Underwater Camera Design and Calibration
J Bosch, N Gracias, P Ridao, D Ribas
Sensors 15 (3), 6033-6065, 2015
Autonomous homing and docking for AUVs using Range-Only Localization and Light Beacons
G Vallicrosa, J Bosch, N Palomeras, P Ridao, M Carreras, N Gracias
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (23), 54-60, 2016
Creating 360° underwater virtual tours using an omnidirectional camera integrated in an AUV
J Bosch, P Ridao, D Ribas, N Gracias
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-7, 2015
Omnidirectional multicamera video stitching using depth maps
J Bosch, K Istenič, N Gracias, R Garcia, P Ridao
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 45 (4), 1337-1352, 2019
LOON-DOCK: AUV homing and docking for high-bandwidth data transmission
N Hurtós, A Mallios, N Palomeras, J Bosch, G Vallicrosa, E Vidal, D Ribas, ...
OCEANS 2017-Aberdeen, 1-7, 2017
Pose Estimation for Underwater Vehicles using Light Beacons
N Gracias, J Bosch, ME Karim
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (2), 70-75, 2015
Towards omnidirectional immersion for ROV teleoperation
J Bosch, P Ridao, G Rafael, G Nuno
Proceedings of the XXXVII Jornadas de Automática - 2016 conference, Madrid …, 2016
Immersive Touring for Marine Archaeology. Application of a New Compact Omnidirectional Camera to Mapping the Gnalić shipwreck with an AUV
J Bosch, N Gracias, P Ridao, D Ribas, K Istenič, R Garcia, IR Rossi
Iberian Robotics conference, 183-195, 2017
Allowing untrained scientists to safely pilot ROVs: Early collision detection and avoidance using omnidirectional vision
E Ochoa, N Gracias, K Istenič, R Garcia, J Bosch, P Cieślak
Global Oceans 2020: Singapore–US Gulf Coast, 1-7, 2020
Omnidirectional Underwater Surveying and Telepresence
G Nuno, G Rafel, R Campos, R Prados, J Bosch, A Elibol, T Nicosevici, ...
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Marine Technology (MARTECH), 2016
Omnidirectional underwater surveying and telepresence
N Gracias, R Garcia, R Campos, R Prados, J Bosch, A Elibol, T Nicosevici, ...
Instrumentation ViewPoint, 32, 2016
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Articles 1–13