Regime shifts to sustainability through processes of niche formation: the approach of strategic niche management R Kemp, J Schot, R Hoogma Technology analysis & strategic management 10 (2), 175-198, 1998 | 4234 | 1998 |
Technological change A Rip, R Kemp Human choice and climate change: Vol. II, Resources and Technology, 327-399, 1998 | 4055 | 1998 |
More evolution than revolution: transition management in public policy J Rotmans, R Kemp, M Van Asselt foresight 3 (1), 15-31, 2001 | 3297 | 2001 |
Experimenting for sustainable transport R Hoogma, R Kemp, J Schot, B Truffer Taylor & Francis, 2002 | 1438 | 2002 |
Transition management as a model for managing processes of co-evolution towards sustainable development R Kemp, D Loorbach, J Rotmans The International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 14 (1 …, 2007 | 1412 | 2007 |
Final report MEI project about measuring eco-innovation R Kemp, P Pearson UM Merit, Maastricht 10 (2), 1-120, 2007 | 1209 | 2007 |
Technology and the transition to environmental sustainability: the problem of technological regime shifts R Kemp Futures 26 (10), 1023-1046, 1994 | 1206 | 1994 |
Governance for sustainable development: moving from theory to practice R Kemp, S Parto, RB Gibson International journal of sustainable development 8 (1-2), 12-30, 2005 | 1096 | 2005 |
Reflexive governance for sustainable development JP Voss, D Bauknecht, R Kemp Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006 | 1041 | 2006 |
Complexity and transition management D Loorbach, J Rotmans, R Kemp Complexity and planning, 177-198, 2016 | 992 | 2016 |
Circular economy policies in China and Europe W McDowall, Y Geng, B Huang, E Barteková, R Bleischwitz, S Türkeli, ... Journal of Industrial Ecology 21 (3), 651-661, 2017 | 867 | 2017 |
Dynamics in socio-technical systems: Typology of change processes and contrasting case studies FW Geels, R Kemp Technology in society 29 (4), 441-455, 2007 | 850 | 2007 |
Environmental policy and technical change R Kemp Books, 1997 | 842 | 1997 |
Transformative social innovation and (dis) empowerment F Avelino, JM Wittmayer, B Pel, P Weaver, A Dumitru, A Haxeltine, ... Technological Forecasting and Social Change 145, 195-206, 2019 | 800 | 2019 |
Evolutionary approaches for sustainable innovation policies: From niche to paradigm? J Nill, R Kemp Research policy 38 (4), 668-680, 2009 | 762 | 2009 |
Constructing transition paths through the management of niches R Kemp, A Rip, J Schot Path dependence and creation, 269-299, 2001 | 762 | 2001 |
Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth United Nations Environment Programme. International Resource Panel, ... UNEP/Earthprint, 2011 | 744 | 2011 |
Measuring eco-innovation AV Arundel, R Kemp Universiteit Maastricht, 2009 | 698 | 2009 |
The innovation effects of environmental policy instruments—A typical case of the blind men and the elephant? R Kemp, S Pontoglio Ecological economics 72, 28-36, 2011 | 673 | 2011 |
Transition management: a reflexive governance approach R Kemp, D Loorbach Reflexive governance for sustainable development, 103-130, 2006 | 610 | 2006 |