Dirk Bruckmann
Dirk Bruckmann
Professor for Transport Logistics
確認したメール アドレス: hsrw.eu - ホームページ
Challenges and future research needs towards international freight transport modelling
H Meersman, VC Ehrler, D Bruckmann, M Chen, J Francke, P Hill, ...
Case Studies on Transport Policy 4 (1), 3-8, 2016
Operation of freight railways in densely used mixed traffic networks–An impact model to quantify changes in freight train characteristics
T Fumasoli, D Bruckmann, U Weidmann
Research in Transportation Economics 54, 15-19, 2015
Towards rail-road online exchange platforms in EU-freight transportation markets: An analysis of matching supply and demand in multimodal services
A Jain, R van der Heijden, V Marchau, D Bruckmann
Sustainability 12 (24), 10321, 2020
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Abschätzung des containerisierbaren Aufkommens im Einzelwagenverkehr und Optimierung der Produktionsstruktur
D Bruckmann
Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, FG Verkehrswesen und Verkehrsbau, 2006
Single Wagonload Production Schemes Improvements Using GüterSim (Agent-based Simulation Tool)
A Mancera, D Bruckmann, U Weidmann
Transportation Research Procedia 10, 615-624, 2015
Swiss Split—a holistic approach to the distribution of containers to private sidings
D Bruckmann, P Dober, A Mancera, I Saabel, U Weidmann
European Transport Research Review 8, 1-14, 2016
Towards rail-related multimodal freight exchange platforms: Exploring regulatory topics at EU level
A Jain, D Bruckmann, RECM van der Heijden, VAWJ Marchau
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 20 (2), 138-163, 2019
A qualitative model to evaluate the financial effects of innovations in the rail sector
D Bruckmann, A Bomhauer-Beins, U Weidmann
Transportation Research Procedia 10, 564-573, 2015
Application of the principles of energy exchanges to the rail freight sector
A Jain, D Bruckmann
Transportation Research Record 2609 (1), 28-35, 2017
Event-based model for optimizing shunting yard operations
M Saeednia, D Bruckmann, U Weidmann
Transportation Research Record 2475 (1), 90-94, 2015
Innovationen im alpenquerenden Güterverkehr
D Bruckmann, T Fumasoli, A Mancera
Final Report, 2014
ViWaS - Viable Wagonload Production Schemes
D Bruckmann, N Galonske, T Fumasoli, U Weidmann
World Congress on Railway Research 565, 2013
Grossterminalstudie Beurteilung der Terminalprojekte Gateway Limmattal und Basel-Nord, Schlussbericht, Bern
L Ickert, M Maibach, C Bieler, D Bruckmann, T Fumasoli
available from website: http://www. voev. ch/de/Service/Downloadsindex. php, 2012
Capacity for freight in urban railway networks—an analytical model for capacity consumption of freight trains in urban networks
T Fumasoli, D Bruckmann, U Weidmann
Commercial Transport: Proceedings of the 2nd Interdiciplinary Conference on …, 2016
Mit dem Container bis ins Anschlussgleis – Der neue SwissSplit - Wagen
D Bruckmann, P Dober, T Fumasoli, A Mancera, I Saabel, U Weidmann
Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau 63 (9), 169-173, 2014
Agent based simulation of a Single Wagon-Load network
D Bruckmann, CE Jackson, M Ballmer, U Weidmann
Second International Conference on Railway Technology; Ajaccio, 2014
Level-of-Service based evaluation of freight networks
A Mancera, D Bruckmann, U Weidmann
European Transport Conference 2013Association for European Transport (AET), 2013
Zukünftige Entwicklung der Produktionstechnologie im Schienengüterverkehr
H Stuhr, D Bruckmann
ETR. Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau 59 (5), 268-273, 2010
Trends und Massnahmen in der urbanen Logistik-Ergebnisse einer Online-Befragung
U Häfeli, T Arnold, D Matti, M Ruesch, S Bohne, T Schmid, T Fumasoli, ...
Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr 2016 2016, 23-44, 2016
Improving the Container Distribution by Rail into Swiss Sidings
D Bruckmann, P Dober, N Galonske, I Saabel, U Weidmann
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 645-654, 2016
論文 1–20