Antonio Amorim
Antonio Amorim
IPATIMUP, i3s, Faculty of Sciences University of Porto
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Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language
ZH Rosser, T Zerjal, ME Hurles, M Adojaan, D Alavantic, A Amorim, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 67 (6), 1526-1543, 2000
Revealing the history of sheep domestication using retrovirus integrations
B Chessa, F Pereira, F Arnaud, A Amorim, F Goyache, I Mainland, ...
Science 324 (5926), 532-536, 2009
Interleukin 1B and interleukin 1RN polymorphisms are associated with increased risk of gastric carcinoma
JC Machado, P Pharoah, S Sousa, R Carvalho, C Oliveira, C Figueiredo, ...
Gastroenterology 121 (4), 823-829, 2001
Assessing individual interethnic admixture and population substructure using a 48–insertion‐deletion (INSEL) ancestry‐informative marker (AIM) panel
NPC Santos, EM Ribeiro‐Rodrigues, ÂKC Ribeiro‐dos‐Santos, R Pereira, ...
Human mutation 31 (2), 184-190, 2010
Online reference database of European Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) haplotypes
L Roewer, M Krawczak, S Willuweit, M Nagy, C Alves, A Amorim, ...
Forensic science international 118 (2-3), 106-113, 2001
Straightforward inference of ancestry and admixture proportions through ancestry-informative insertion deletion multiplexing
R Pereira, C Phillips, N Pinto, C Santos, SEB Santos, A Amorim, ...
PloS one 7 (1), e29684, 2012
A new multiplex for human identification using insertion/deletion polymorphisms
R Pereira, C Phillips, C Alves, A Amorim, Á Carracedo, L Gusmão
Electrophoresis 30 (21), 3682-3690, 2009
High-resolution mtDNA evidence for the late-glacial resettlement of Europe from an Iberian refugium
L Pereira, M Richards, A Goios, A Alonso, C Albarrán, O Garcia, ...
Genome research 15 (1), 19-24, 2005
Pros and cons in the use of SNPs in forensic kinship investigation: a comparative analysis with STRs
A Amorim, L Pereira
Forensic science international 150 (1), 17-21, 2005
Identification of species with DNA-based technology: current progress and challenges
F Pereira, J Carneiro, A Amorim
Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences (Discontinued) 2 (3), 187-200, 2008
The matrilineal ancestry of Ashkenazi Jewry: portrait of a recent founder event
DM Behar, E Metspalu, T Kivisild, A Achilli, Y Hadid, S Tzur, L Pereira, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 78 (3), 487-497, 2006
Prehistoric and historic traces in the mtDNA of Mozambique: insights into the Bantu expansions and the slave trade
L Pereira, V Macaulay, A Torroni, R Scozzari, MJ Prata, A Amorim
Annals of human genetics 65 (5), 439-458, 2001
Mutation rates at Y chromosome specific microsatellites
L Gusmão, P Sánchez‐Diz, F Calafell, P Martín, CA Alonso, ...
Human mutation 26 (6), 520-528, 2005
The genetic legacy of western Bantu migrations
S Beleza, L Gusmao, A Amorim, A Carracedo, A Salas
Human genetics 117, 366-375, 2005
Counting the founders: the matrilineal genetic ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora
DM Behar, E Metspalu, T Kivisild, S Rosset, S Tzur, Y Hadid, G Yudkovsky, ...
Plos one 3 (4), e2062, 2008
Diversity of mtDNA lineages in Portugal: not a genetic edge of European variation
L Pereira, MJ Prata, A Amorim
Annals of human genetics 64 (6), 491-506, 2000
Latin Americans show wide-spread Converso ancestry and imprint of local Native ancestry on physical appearance
JC Chacón-Duque, K Adhikari, M Fuentes-Guajardo, J Mendoza-Revilla, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1-13, 2018
Genetic signatures of a Mediterranean influence in Iberian Peninsula sheep husbandry
F Pereira, SJM Davis, L Pereira, B McEvoy, DG Bradley, A Amorim
Molecular Biology and Evolution 23 (7), 1420-1426, 2006
New Microsatellite Multiplex PCR for Candida albicans Strain Typing Reveals Microevolutionary Changes
P Sampaio, L Gusmao, A Correia, C Alves, AG Rodrigues, C Pina-Vaz, ...
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43 (8), 3869-3876, 2005
Human Spermatogenic Failure Purges Deleterious Mutation Load from the Autosomes and Both Sex Chromosomes, including the Gene DMRT1
AM Lopes, KI Aston, E Thompson, F Carvalho, J Gonçalves, N Huang, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (3), e1003349, 2013
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Articles 1–20