Yuji Hattori
Yuji Hattori
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Searching for turbulence models by artificial neural network
M Gamahara, Y Hattori
Physical Review Fluids 2 (5), 054604, 2017
Sound generation by shock–vortex interactions
O Inoue, Y Hattori
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 380, 81-116, 1999
Curvature instability of a vortex ring
Y Fukumoto, Y Hattori
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 526, 77-115, 2005
Short-wavelength stability analysis of thin vortex rings
Y Hattori, Y Fukumoto
Physics of Fluids 15 (10), 3151-3163, 2003
Direct numerical simulation of aeroacoustic sound by volume penalization method
R Komatsu, W Iwakami, Y Hattori
Computers & Fluids 130, 24-36, 2016
Study of reconnection and acoustic emission of quantized vortices in superfluid by the numerical analysis of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
S Ogawa, M Tsubota, Y Hattori
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 71 (3), 813-821, 2002
Short-wavelength stability analysis of a helical vortex tube
Y Hattori, Y Fukumoto
Physics of fluids 21 (1), 2009
Shell model for rotating turbulence
Y Hattori, R Rubinstein, A Ishizawa
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (4 …, 2004
Sound generation by coaxial collision of two vortex rings
O Inoue, Y Hattori, T Sasaki
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 424, 327-365, 2000
Geodesics and curvature of a group of diffeomorphisms and motion of an ideal fluid
F Nakamura, Y Hattori, T Kambe
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (2), L45, 1992
Modal stability analysis of a helical vortex tube with axial flow
Y Hattori, Y Fukumoto
Journal of fluid mechanics 738, 222-249, 2014
Numerical stability analysis of a vortex ring with swirl
Y Hattori, FJ Blanco-Rodríguez, S Le Dizès
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 878, 5-36, 2019
Asymptotic analysis of radiation extinction of stretched premixed flames
Y Ju, G Masuya, F Liu, Y Hattori, D Riechelmann
International journal of heat and mass transfer 43 (2), 231-239, 2000
Ideal magnetohydrodynamics and passive scalar motion as geodesics on semidirect product groups
Y Hattori
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27 (2), L21, 1994
Mechanism of aeroacoustic sound generation and reduction in a flow past oscillating and fixed cylinders
Y Hattori, R Komatsu
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 832, 241-268, 2017
Density distribution in two-dimensional weakly compressible turbulence
D Terakado, Y Hattori
Physics of Fluids 26 (8), 2014
Short-wavelength stability analysis of Hill’s vortex with/without swirl
Y Hattori, K Hijiya
Physics of Fluids 22 (7), 2010
Explosive magnetic reconnection caused by an X-shaped current-vortex layer in a collisionless plasma
M Hirota, Y Hattori, PJ Morrison
Physics of Plasmas 22 (5), 2015
Wavelet analysis of two-dimensional mhd turbulence
A Ishizawa, Y Hattori
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 67 (2), 441-450, 1998
Effects of axial flow on the stability of a helical vortex tube
Y Hattori, Y Fukumoto
Physics of Fluids 24 (5), 2012
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Articles 1–20