Ishikawa Prefectural University
確認したメール アドレス: ishikawa-pu.ac.jp - ホームページ
Interactions between fleshy fruits and frugivores in a tropical seasonal forest in Thailand
S Kitamura, T Yumoto, P Poonswad, P Chuailua, K Plongmai, ...
Oecologia 133, 559-572, 2002
History of forest loss and degradation in Indonesia
R Tsujino, T Yumoto, S Kitamura, I Djamaluddin, D Darnaedi
Land use policy 57, 335-347, 2016
Terrestrial activity patterns of wild cats from camera-trapping.
AJ Lynam, KE Jenks, N Tantipisanuh, W Chutipong, D Ngoprasert, ...
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 61 (1), 2013
Frugivory and seed dispersal by hornbills (Bucerotidae) in tropical forests
S Kitamura
Acta Oecologica 37 (6), 531-541, 2011
Factors affecting forest area change in Southeast Asia during 1980-2010
N Imai, T Furukawa, R Tsujino, S Kitamura, T Yumoto
PLoS One 13 (5), e0197391, 2018
Dispersal of Aglaia spectabilis, a large-seeded tree species in a moist evergreen forest in Thailand
S Kitamura, S Suzuki, T Yumoto, P Poonswad, P Chuailua, K Plongmai, ...
Journal of tropical ecology 20 (4), 421-427, 2004
Frugivory and seed dispersal by Asian elephants, Elephas maximus, in a moist evergreen forest of Thailand
S Kitamura, T Yumoto, P Poonswad, P Wohandee
Journal of Tropical Ecology 23 (3), 373-376, 2007
Mammal diversity and conservation in a small isolated forest of southern Thailand.
S Kitamura, S Thong-Aree, S Madsri, P Poonswad
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 58 (1), 2010
Occurrence of three felids across a network of protected areas in Thailand: prey, intraguild, and habitat associations
D Ngoprasert, AJ Lynam, R Sukmasuang, N Tantipisanuh, W Chutipong, ...
Biotropica 44 (6), 810-817, 2012
Seed allometry and disperser assemblages in tropical rainforests: a comparison of four floras on different continents.
PM Forget, AJ Dennis, SJ Mazer, PA Jansen, S Kitamura, JE Lambert, ...
Seed dispersal: theory and its application in a changing world, 5-36, 2007
Mapping the distribution of dholes, Cuon alpinus (Canidae, Carnivora), in Thailand
KE Jenks, S Kitamura, AJ Lynam, D Ngoprasert, W Chutipong, ...
Walter de Gruyter 76 (2), 175-184, 2012
Current distribution and conservation status of small carnivores in Thailand: a baseline review
W Chutipong, N Tantipisanuh, D Ngoprasert, AJ Lynam, R Steinmetz, ...
Small Carnivore Conservation 51, 96-136, 2014
A botanical inventory of a tropical seasonal forest in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand: implications for fruit–frugivore interactions
S Kitamura, S Suzuki, T Yumoto, P Chuailua, K Plongmai, P Poonswad, ...
Biodiversity & Conservation 14, 1241-1261, 2005
Seed-dispersal ecology of tropical montane forests
H Chapman, NJ Cordeiro, P Dutton, D Wenny, S Kitamura, B Kaplin, ...
Journal of Tropical Ecology 32 (5), 437-454, 2016
Dispersal of Canarium euphyllum (Burseraceae), a large-seeded tree species, in a moist evergreen forest in Thailand
S Kitamura, S Suzuki, T Yumoto, P Poonswad, P Chuailua, K Plongmai, ...
Journal of Tropical Ecology 22 (2), 137-146, 2006
Pattern and impact of hornbill seed dispersal at nest trees in a moist evergreen forest in Thailand
S Kitamura, T Yumoto, P Poonswad, N Noma, P Chuailua, K Plongmai, ...
Journal of Tropical Ecology 20 (5), 545-553, 2004
Aggregated seed dispersal by wreathed hornbills at a roost site in a moist evergreen forest of Thailand
S Kitamura, T Yumoto, N Noma, P Chuailua, T Maruhashi, P Wohandee, ...
Ecological Research 23, 943-952, 2008
Characteristics of hornbill-dispersed fruits in a tropical seasonal forest in Thailand
S Kitamura, T Yumoto, P Poonswad, P Chuailua, K Plongmai
Bird Conservation International 14 (S1), S81-S88, 2004
Rare seed-predating mammals determine seed fate of Canarium euphyllum, a large-seeded tree species in a moist evergreen forest, Thailand
S Kitamura, T Yumoto, P Poonswad, S Suzuki, P Wohandee
Ecological Research 23, 169-177, 2008
Comparative sensitivity to environmental variation and human disturbance of Asian tapirs (Tapirus indicus) and other wild ungulates in Thailand
AJ Lynam, N Tantipisanuh, W Chutipong, D Ngoprasert, MC Baker, ...
Integrative Zoology 7 (4), 389-399, 2012
論文 1–20