Gregg Snedden
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Inundation and salinity impacts to above-and belowground productivity in Spartina patens and Spartina alterniflora in the Mississippi River deltaic plain: Implications for …
GA Snedden, K Cretini, B Patton
Ecological Engineering 81, 133-139, 2015
Sediment discharge into a subsiding Louisiana deltaic estuary through a Mississippi River diversion
GA Snedden, JE Cable, C Swarzenski, E Swenson
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71 (1-2), 181-193, 2007
Diel and seasonal patterns of spotted gar movement and habitat use in the lower Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana
GA Snedden, WE Kelso, DA Rutherford
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128 (1), 144-154, 1999
The impacts of pulsed reintroduction of river water on a Mississippi Delta coastal basin
JW Day, JE Cable, JH Cowan Jr, R DeLaune, K De Mutsert, B Fry, ...
Journal of Coastal Research, 225-243, 2009
Mississippi river sediment diversions and coastal wetland sustainability: Synthesis of responses to freshwater, sediment, and nutrient inputs
T Elsey-Quirk, SA Graham, IA Mendelssohn, G Snedden, JW Day, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 221, 170-183, 2019
Drivers and impacts of water level fluctuations in the Mississippi River delta: Implications for delta restoration
M Hiatt, G Snedden, JW Day, RV Rohli, JA Nyman, R Lane, LA Sharp
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 224, 117-137, 2019
What role do hurricanes play in sediment delivery to subsiding river deltas?
JE Smith, SJ Bentley, GA Snedden, C White
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17582, 2015
A landscape-scale assessment of above-and belowground primary production in coastal wetlands: Implications for climate change-induced community shifts
CL Stagg, DR Schoolmaster, SC Piazza, G Snedden, GD Steyer, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 40, 856-879, 2017
Subtidal sea level variability in a shallow Mississippi River deltaic estuary, Louisiana
GA Snedden, JE Cable, WJ Wiseman
Estuaries and Coasts 30, 802-812, 2007
Predictive occurrence models for coastal wetland plant communities: Delineating hydrologic response surfaces with multinomial logistic regression
GA Snedden, GD Steyer
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 118, 11-23, 2013
Field observations of wind waves in upper Delaware Bay with living shorelines
L Zhu, Q Chen, H Wang, W Capurso, L Niemoczynski, K Hu, G Snedden
Estuaries and Coasts 43, 739-755, 2020
Estuarine geomorphology and coastal hydrology
GA Snedden, JE Cable, B Kjerfve
Estuarine ecology, 19-38, 2013
Hurricane influences on vegetation community change in coastal Louisiana
GD Steyer, KF Cretini, SC Piazza, LA Sharp, GA Snedden, S Sapkota
Open-File Report, 2010
Hydrodynamic controls on sediment retention in an emerging diversion-fed delta
ME Keogh, AS Kolker, GA Snedden, AA Renfro
Geomorphology 332, 100-111, 2019
River, tidal, and wind interactions in a deltaic estuarine system
G Snedden
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2006
Estuarine flushing times influenced by freshwater diversions
EM Swenson, JE Cable, B Fry, D Justic, A Das, G Snedden, C Swarzenski
Coastal Hydrology and Processes 33, 403-412, 2006
Hydrologic index development and application to selected coastwide reference monitoring system sites and coastal wetlands planning, protection and restoration act projects
GA Snedden, EM Swenson
Open-File Report, 2012
Numerical modeling of the effects of Hurricane Sandy and potential future hurricanes on spatial patterns of salt marsh morphology in Jamaica Bay, New York City
H Wang, Q Chen, K Hu, GA Snedden, EK Hartig, BR Couvillion, ...
Open-File Report, 2017
Pulses: the importance of pulsed physical events for Louisiana floodplains and watershed management
JW Day, J Ko, J Cable, JN Day, B Fry, E Hyfield, D Justic, P Kemp, R Lane, ...
First Interagency Conference on Research in Watersheds, 27-30, 2003
Assessment of wave attenuation, current patterns, and sediment deposition and erosion during winter storms by living shoreline structures in Gandys Beach, New Jersey
H Wang, WD Capurso, Q Chen, L Zhu, LM Niemoczynski, G Snedden
Open-File Report, 2021
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Articles 1–20