Hari Prasad Dasari
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Cited by
Resource tracking within and across continents in long-distance bird migrants
K Thorup, AP Tøttrup, M Willemoes, RHG Klaassen, R Strandberg, ...
Science Advances 3 (e1601360), 2017
Simulation of the Indian summer monsoon regional climate using advanced research WRF model
CV Srinivas, D Hariprasad, DV Bhaskar Rao, Y Anjaneyulu, R Baskaran, ...
Int. J. Climatol 33 (5), 1195-1210, 2013
A high-resolution assessment of wind and wave energy potentials in the Red Sea
S Langodan, V Yesubabu, D Hari Prasad, O Knio, I Hoteit
Applied Energy 181, 244–255, 2016
Multiple stressor effects on coral reef ecosystems
J Ellis, T Jamil, H Anlauf, DJ Coker, J Curdia, J Hewitt, BH Jones, ...
Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14819, 2019
Climatic features of the Red Sea from a regional assimilative model
I Hoteit
Int. J. Climatol 37, 2563-2581, 2017
Surface air temperature variability over the Arabian Peninsula and its links to circulation patterns
R Attada, HP Dasari, JS Chowdary, RK Yadav, O Knio, I Hotiet
International Journal of Climatology, 1-20, 2018
Simulation of an extreme heavy rainfall event over Chennai, India using WRF: Sensitivity to grid resolution and boundary layer physics
CV Srinivas, Y Yesubabu, D Hari Prasad, K Hari Prasad, MM Greeshma, ...
Atmospheric Research 210, 66–82, 2018
Sensitivity of tropical cyclone intensification to boundary layer and convective processes
DVB Rao, DH Prasad
Natural Hazards 41, 429-445, 2007
Numerical simulation of Andhra severe cyclone (2003): Model sensitivity to the boundary layer and convection parameterization
CV Srinivas, R Venkatesan, DV Bhaskar Rao, D Hari Prasad
Atmospheric and Oceanic: Mesoscale Processes, 1465-1487, 2007
An integrated WRF/HYSPLIT modeling approach for the assessment of PM2.5 source regions over the Mississippi Gulf Coast region
A Yerramilli, VBR Dodla, VS Challa, LT Myles, WR Pendergrass, ...
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 5, 401-412, 2012
High-resolution assessment of solar energy resources over the Arabian Peninsula
D Hari Prasad, D Srinivas, L Sabique, A Raju, K Ravi Kumar, V Yesubabu, ...
Applied Energy 248, 354-371, 2019
Increasing heavy rainfall events in South India due to changing landuse land cover
A Boyaj, HP Dasari, I Hoteit, K Ashok
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, doi:10.1002/qj.3826, 2020
ENSO influence on the interannual variability of the Red Sea convergence zone and associated rainfall
HP Dasari, S Langodan, Y Viswanadhapalli, BR Vadlamudi, ...
Int. J. Climatol, 2017
A diagnostic study of extreme precipitation over Kerala during August 2018
Y Viswanadhapalli, VS Challa, G Basha, HP Dasari, S Langodan, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters, DOI: 10.1002/asl.941, 2019
Impact of horizontal resolution and the advantages of the nested domains approach in the prediction of tropical cyclone intensification and movement
DV Bhaskar Rao, D Hari Prasad, D Srinivas
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D11), 2009
Variability of Monsoon Low Level Jet and associated rainfall over India
Y Viswanadhapalli, D Hari Prasad, S Dwivedi, MV Ratnam, S Langodan, ...
International Journal of Climatology, 2019
A regional climate simulation study using WRF‐ARW model over Europe and evaluation for extreme temperature weather events
HP Dasari, R Salgado, J Perdigao, VS Challa
International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 2014 (1), 704079, 2014
Efficient dynamical downscaling of general circulation models using continuous data assimilation
S Desamsetti, HP Dasari, S Langodan, ES Titi, O Knio, I Hoteit
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2019
Towards an End-to-End Analysis and Prediction System for Weather, Climate, and Marine Applications in the Red Sea
I Hoteit, et al
Bulletien of American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0005.1, 2020
Simulation of surface ozone pollution in the central gulf coast region using WRF/Chem Model: Sensitivity to PBL and Land Surface Physics
A Yerramilli, VS Challa, VBR Dodla, HP Dasari, JH Young, C Patrick, ...
Advances in Meteorology 2010 (1), 319138, 2010
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Articles 1–20