Masashi Ogiso
Masashi Ogiso
Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
確認したメール アドレス: mri-jma.go.jp
Estimation of locations and migration of debris flows on Izu-Oshima Island, Japan, on 16 October 2013 by the distribution of high frequency seismic amplitudes
M Ogiso, K Yomogida
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 298, 15-26, 2015
Descent of tremor source locations before the 2014 phreatic eruption of Ontake volcano, Japan
M Ogiso, H Matsubayashi, T Yamamoto
Earth, Planets and Space 67, 1-12, 2015
Migration of tremor locations before the 2008 eruption of Meakandake Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan
M Ogiso, K Yomogida
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 217, 8-20, 2012
A method for mapping intrinsic attenuation factors and scattering coefficients of S waves in 3-D space and its application in southwestern Japan
M Ogiso
Geophysical Journal International 216 (2), 948-957, 2019
Spatiotemporal distribution of shallow tremors along the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan, as determined from waveform amplitudes and cross‐correlations
K Tamaribuchi, M Ogiso, A Noda
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (8), e2022JB024403, 2022
Real-time seismic intensity prediction using frequency-dependent site amplification factors
M Ogiso, S Aoki, M Hoshiba
Earth, Planets and Space 68, 1-15, 2016
Recursive travel-time inversion: A tool for real-time seismic tomography
M Ogiso, K Yomogida, K Katsumata
Earth, planets and space 57 (6), 477-489, 2005
Spatiotemporal evolution of tremor activity near the Nankai Trough trench axis inferred from the spatial distribution of seismic amplitudes
M Ogiso, K Tamaribuchi
Earth, Planets and Space 74 (1), 1-14, 2022
Estimation of relative source locations from seismic amplitude: application to earthquakes and tremors at Meakandake volcano, eastern Hokkaido, Japan
M Ogiso, K Yomogida
Earth, Planets and Space 73, 1-14, 2021
Numerical shake prediction for earthquake early warning incorporating heterogeneous attenuation structure: The case of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
M Ogiso, M Hoshiba, A Shito, S Matsumoto
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (6), 3457-3468, 2018
Heat accumulation beneath Tokachidake volcanoes inferred from magnetic changes
T Hashimoto, M Nishimura, S Arita, T Yamamoto, M Ogiso, N Shigeno, ...
Goephys Bull Hokkaido Univ 73, 269-280, 2010
Ocean‐wave gradiometry: Visualizing and extracting propagation features of the 15 January 2022 Tsunami wavefield with dense ocean‐bottom pressure gauge arrays
M Ogiso, H Tsushima
Seismological Society of America 94 (2A), 626-636, 2023
Estimation of the Distribution of Seismic Intensities using Backpropagation of Seismic Energy
日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集 (CD-ROM) 16, 1-417, 2023
Estimation of high-frequency source radiation energy of small earthquakes in Japan using seismogram envelopes considering the heterogeneous seismic structure
M Ogiso
XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics …, 2023
Spatiotemporal evolution of tremor activity near the Nankai Trough trench axis inferred from the spatial distribution of seismic amplitudes
O Masashi, T Koji
Earth, Planets and Space (Online) 74 (1), 2022
Seismic waves excited by debris flows at Meakandake volcano on 20 May 2008
M Ogiso, S Ishimaru
Journal of the Japan Landslide Society 59 (4), 146-151, 2022
Debris flows caused by heavy rain during the soil-freezing and snow-melting season: A case of heavy rain at Mt. Meakan in May 2008
S Ishimaru, M Ogiso, Y Ito, T Makinou
Journal of the Japan Landslide Society 59 (2), 41-49, 2022
Full seismogram envelope prediction in the earthquake early warning: implementation of a forward scattering model in the Numerical Shake Prediction scheme
M Ogiso
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, S53G-0556, 2019
Estimating 3D heterogeneous distribution of intrinsic attenuation and strength of random velocity fluctuation: method and application to the southwestern part of Japan
M Ogiso
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, S13D-0484, 2018
Simultaneous inversion of intrinsic and scattering attenuation parameters incorporating multiple scattering effect
M Ogiso
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, S53B-0666, 2017
論文 1–20