Naoya Sakamoto
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Cited by
Hydrogen isotope ratios in lunar rocks indicate delivery of cometary water to the Moon
JP Greenwood, S Itoh, N Sakamoto, P Warren, L Taylor, H Yurimoto
Nature Geoscience 4 (2), 79-82, 2011
Remnants of the early solar system water enriched in heavy oxygen isotopes
N Sakamoto, Y Seto, S Itoh, K Kuramoto, K Fujino, K Nagashima, AN Krot, ...
Science 317 (5835), 231-233, 2007
Oxygen isotopic compositions of asteroidal materials returned from Itokawa by the Hayabusa mission
H Yurimoto, K Abe, M Abe, M Ebihara, A Fujimura, M Hashiguchi, ...
Science 333 (6046), 1116-1119, 2011
Hydrogen isotope evidence for loss of water from Mars through time
JP Greenwood, S Itoh, N Sakamoto, EP Vicenzi, H Yurimoto
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (5), 2008
Stable isotope cellular imaging reveals that both live and degenerating fungal pelotons transfer carbon and nitrogen to orchid protocorms
Y Kuga, N Sakamoto, H Yurimoto
New Phytologist 202 (2), 594-605, 2014
Experimental evidence for hydrogen incorporation into Earthfs core
S Tagawa, N Sakamoto, K Hirose, S Yokoo, J Hernlund, Y Ohishi, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 2588, 2021
Formation of an ultracarbonaceous Antarctic micrometeorite through minimal aqueous alteration in a small porous icy body
H Yabuta, T Noguchi, S Itoh, T Nakamura, A Miyake, S Tsujimoto, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 214, 172-190, 2017
Tissue Specific Localization of Pectin–Ca2+ Cross-Linkages and Pectin Methyl-Esterification during Fruit Ripening in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
H Hyodo, A Terao, J Furukawa, N Sakamoto, H Yurimoto, S Satoh, H Iwai
PLoS One 8 (11), e78949, 2013
Weka trainable segmentation plugin in ImageJ: a semi-automatic tool applied to crystal size distributions of microlites in volcanic rocks
C Lormand, GF Zellmer, K Németh, G Kilgour, S Mead, AS Palmer, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (6), 667-675, 2018
Crystal growth and disequilibrium distribution of oxygen isotopes in an igneous Ca-Al-rich inclusion from the Allende carbonaceous chondrite
N Kawasaki, SB Simon, L Grossman, N Sakamoto, H Yurimoto
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 318-341, 2018
Oxygen isotopic compositions of Allende Type C CAIs: Evidence for isotopic exchange during nebular melting and asteroidal metamorphism
AN Krot, M Chaussidon, H Yurimoto, N Sakamoto, K Nagashima, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (10), 2534-2555, 2008
Thermal and chemical evolution of the subarc mantle revealed by spinel-hosted melt inclusions in boninite from the Ogasawara (Bonin) Archipelago, Japan
S Umino, K Kitamura, K Kanayama, A Tamura, N Sakamoto, O Ishizuka, ...
Geology 43 (2), 151-154, 2015
Chronological study of oxygen isotope composition for the solar protoplanetary disk recorded in a fluffy Type A CAI from Vigarano
N Kawasaki, S Itoh, N Sakamoto, H Yurimoto
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 201, 83-102, 2017
Young asteroidal fluid activity revealed by absolute age from apatite in carbonaceous chondrite
AC Zhang, QL Li, H Yurimoto, N Sakamoto, XH Li, S Hu, YT Lin, RC Wang
Nature communications 7 (1), 12844, 2016
Mineralogical characterization of a unique material having heavy oxygen isotope anomaly in matrix of the primitive carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094
Y Seto, N Sakamoto, K Fujino, T Kaito, T Oikawa, H Yurimoto
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (11), 2723-2734, 2008
Crystal uptake into aphyric arc melts: insights from two-pyroxene pseudo-decompression paths, plagioclase hygrometry, and measurement of hydrogen in olivines from mafic c
GF Zellmer, N Sakamoto, Y Iizuka, M Miyoshi, Y Tamura, HH Hsieh, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 385 (1), 161-184, 2014
On progress and rate of the peritectic reaction Fo+ SiO2¨ En in natural andesitic arc magmas
GF Zellmer, N Sakamoto, N Matsuda, Y Iizuka, A Moebis, H Yurimoto
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 185, 383-393, 2016
Oxygen isotopic and chemical zoning of melilite crystals in a Type A Ca]Al]rich inclusion of Efremovka CV3 chondrite
N Kawasaki, N Sakamoto, H Yurimoto
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 47 (12), 2084-2093, 2012
Variations in initial 26Al/27Al ratios among fluffy Type A Ca–Al-rich inclusions from reduced CV chondrites
N Kawasaki, C Park, N Sakamoto, SY Park, HN Kim, M Kuroda, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 511, 25-35, 2019
Isotope microscopy visualization of the adsorption profile of 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin in powdered activated carbon
Y Matsui, A Sakamoto, S Nakao, T Taniguchi, T Matsushita, N Shirasaki, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 48 (18), 10897-10903, 2014
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Articles 1–20