Yuki Sudo
Yuki Sudo
Faculty of Med., Dent. & Pharm. Sci., Okayama Univ., Japan
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Cited by
Stator assembly and activation mechanism of the flagellar motor by the periplasmic region of MotB
S Kojima, K Imada, M Sakuma, Y Sudo, C Kojima, T Minamino, M Homma, ...
Molecular microbiology 73 (4), 710-718, 2009
A distinct lineage of giant viruses brings a rhodopsin photosystem to unicellular marine predators
DM Needham, S Yoshizawa, T Hosaka, C Poirier, CJ Choi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (41), 20574-20583, 2019
Three strategically placed hydrogen-bonding residues convert a proton pump into a sensory receptor
Y Sudo, JL Spudich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (44), 16129-16134, 2006
Photo-induced proton transport of pharaonis phoborhodopsin (sensory rhodopsin II) is ceased by association with the transducer
Y Sudo, M Iwamoto, K Shimono, M Sumi, N Kamo
Biophysical Journal 80 (2), 916-922, 2001
Structural Changes of pharaonis Phoborhodopsin upon Photoisomerization of the Retinal Chromophore:  Infrared Spectral Comparison with Bacteriorhodopsin
H Kandori, K Shimono, Y Sudo, M Iwamoto, Y Shichida, N Kamo
Biochemistry 40 (31), 9238-9246, 2001
Atomistic design of microbial opsin-based blue-shifted optogenetics tools
HE Kato, M Kamiya, S Sugo, J Ito, R Taniguchi, A Orito, K Hirata, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7177, 2015
Photochemistry and photoinduced proton-transfer by pharaonis phoborhodopsin
N Kamo, K Shimono, M Iwamoto, Y Sudo
Biochemistry (Moscow) 66, 1277-1282, 2001
Environment around the chromophore in pharaonis phoborhodopsin: mutation analysis of the retinal binding site
K Shimono, Y Ikeura, Y Sudo, M Iwamoto, N Kamo
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1515 (2), 92-100, 2001
A blue-shifted light-driven proton pump for neural silencing
Y Sudo, A Okazaki, H Ono, J Yagasaki, S Sugo, M Kamiya, L Reissig, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 (28), 20624-20632, 2013
Molecular and evolutionary aspects of microbial sensory rhodopsins
K Inoue, T Tsukamoto, Y Sudo
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1837 (5), 562-577, 2014
A microbial rhodopsin with a unique retinal composition shows both sensory rhodopsin II and bacteriorhodopsin-like properties
Y Sudo, K Ihara, S Kobayashi, D Suzuki, H Irieda, T Kikukawa, H Kandori, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (8), 5967-5976, 2011
Pharaonis Phoborhodopsin Binds to its Cognate Truncated Transducer Even in the Presence of a Detergent with a 1:1 Stoichiometry¶
Y Sudo, M Iwamoto, K Shimono, N Kamo
Photochemistry and Photobiology 74 (3), 489-494, 2001
Functional importance of the interhelical hydrogen bond between Thr204 and Tyr174 of sensory rhodopsin II and its alteration during the signaling process
Y Sudo, Y Furutani, H Kandori, JL Spudich
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (45), 34239-34245, 2006
GABA neurons in the ventral tegmental area regulate non-rapid eye movement sleep in mice
S Chowdhury, T Matsubara, T Miyazaki, D Ono, N Fukatsu, M Abe, ...
Elife 8, e44928, 2019
Salinibacter sensory rhodopsin: sensory rhodopsin I-like protein from a eubacterium
T Kitajima-Ihara, Y Furutani, D Suzuki, K Ihara, H Kandori, M Homma, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (35), 23533-23541, 2008
Demonstration of a Light-Driven SO42– Transporter and Its Spectroscopic Characteristics
A Niho, S Yoshizawa, T Tsukamoto, M Kurihara, S Tahara, Y Nakajima, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (12), 4376-4389, 2017
Thermal and spectroscopic characterization of a proton pumping rhodopsin from an extreme thermophile
T Tsukamoto, K Inoue, H Kandori, Y Sudo
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 (30), 21581-21592, 2013
Hydrogen Bonding Alteration of Thr-204 in the Complex between pharaonis Phoborhodopsin and Its Transducer Protein
Y Sudo, Y Furutani, K Shimono, N Kamo, H Kandori
Biochemistry 42 (48), 14166-14172, 2003
Importance of specific hydrogen bonds of archaeal rhodopsins for the binding to the transducer protein
Y Sudo, M Yamabi, S Kato, C Hasegawa, M Iwamoto, K Shimono, ...
Journal of molecular biology 357 (4), 1274-1282, 2006
Converting a light-driven proton pump into a light-gated proton channel
K Inoue, T Tsukamoto, K Shimono, Y Suzuki, S Miyauchi, S Hayashi, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (9), 3291-3299, 2015
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Articles 1–20