Philippe Knauth
Philippe Knauth
確認したメール アドレス: univ-amu.fr
Inorganic solid Li ion conductors: An overview
P Knauth
Solid State Ionics 180 (14-16), 911-916, 2009
Three‐dimensional self‐supported metal oxides for advanced energy storage
BL Ellis, P Knauth, T Djenizian
Advanced Materials 26 (21), 3368-3397, 2014
Alternative Li-ion battery electrode based on self-organized titania nanotubes
GF Ortiz, I Hanzu, T Djenizian, P Lavela, JL Tirado, P Knauth
Chemistry of Materials 21 (1), 63-67, 2009
Solid‐state ionics: roots, status, and future prospects
P Knauth, HL Tuller
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 85 (7), 1654-1680, 2002
The big problem of small particles: a comparison of methods for determination of particle size in nanocrystalline anatase powders
A Weibel, R Bouchet, F Boulc', P Knauth
Chemistry of Materials 17 (9), 2378-2385, 2005
Electrical and defect thermodynamic properties of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide
P Knauth, HL Tuller
Journal of applied physics 85 (2), 897-902, 1999
TiO2 nanotubes manufactured by anodization of Ti thin films for on-chip Li-ion 2D microbatteries
GF Ortiz, I Hanzu, P Knauth, P Lavela, JL Tirado, T Djenizian
Electrochimica Acta 54 (17), 4262-4268, 2009
Ionic conductor composites: theory and materials
P Knauth
Journal of electroceramics 5 (2), 111-125, 2000
Nanostructured negative electrodes based on titania for Li-ion microbatteries
T Djenizian, I Hanzu, P Knauth
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (27), 9925-9937, 2011
Building bridges: Crosslinking of sulfonated aromatic polymers—A review
H Hou, ML Di Vona, P Knauth
Journal of Membrane Science 423, 113-127, 2012
Nanostructured materials: Selected synthesis methods, properties and applications
P Knauth, J Schoonman
Springer Science & Business Media, 2002
Solid state proton conductors: properties and applications in fuel cells
P Knauth, ML Di Vona
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Nanoarchitectured TiO2/SnO: A Future Negative Electrode for High Power Density Li-Ion Microbatteries?
GF Ortiz, I Hanzu, P Lavela, P Knauth, JL Tirado, T Djenizian
Chemistry of Materials 22 (5), 1926-1932, 2010
Electrical properties and defect chemistry of anatase (TiO2)
A Weibel, R Bouchet, P Knauth
Solid State Ionics 177 (3-4), 229-236, 2006
Analysis of temperature-promoted and solvent-assisted cross-linking in sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone)(SPEEK) proton-conducting membranes
ML Di Vona, E Sgreccia, S Licoccia, G Alberti, L Tortet, P Knauth
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (21), 7505-7512, 2009
Thermogravimetric analysis of SPEEK membranes: thermal stability, degree of sulfonation and cross-linking reaction
P Knauth, H Hou, E Bloch, E Sgreccia, ML Di Vona
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 92 (2), 361-365, 2011
Durability of sulfonated aromatic polymers for proton‐exchange‐membrane fuel cells
H Hou, ML Di Vona, P Knauth
ChemSusChem 4 (11), 1526-1536, 2011
High ionic exchange capacity polyphenylsulfone (SPPSU) and polyethersulfone (SPES) cross-linked by annealing treatment: Thermal stability, hydration level and mechanical properties
ML Di Vona, E Sgreccia, M Tamilvanan, M Khadhraoui, C Chassigneux, ...
Journal of membrane science 354 (1-2), 134-141, 2010
A novel architectured negative electrode based on titania nanotube and iron oxide nanowire composites for Li-ion microbatteries
GF Ortiz, I Hanzu, P Lavela, JL Tirado, P Knauth, T Djenizian
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (20), 4041-4046, 2010
Mechanical properties of proton-conducting sulfonated aromatic polymer membranes: Stress–strain tests and dynamical analysis
E Sgreccia, JF Chailan, M Khadhraoui, ML Di Vona, P Knauth
Journal of Power Sources 195 (23), 7770-7775, 2010
論文 1–20