Lauri Parkkonen
Cited by
Cited by
MEG and EEG data analysis with MNE-Python
A Gramfort, M Luessi, E Larson, DA Engemann, D Strohmeier, ...
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 7, 267, 2013
MNE software for processing MEG and EEG data
A Gramfort, M Luessi, E Larson, DA Engemann, D Strohmeier, ...
neuroimage 86, 446-460, 2014
Good practice for conducting and reporting MEG research
J Gross, S Baillet, GR Barnes, RN Henson, A Hillebrand, O Jensen, ...
Neuroimage 65, 349-363, 2013
Centrality of social interaction in human brain function
R Hari, L Henriksson, S Malinen, L Parkkonen
Neuron 88 (1), 181-193, 2015
122-channel SQUID instrument for investigating the magnetic signals from the human brain
AI Ahonen, MS Hämäläinen, MJ Kajola, JET Knuutila, PP Laine, ...
Physica Scripta 1993 (T49A), 198, 1993
Measuring MEG closer to the brain: Performance of on-scalp sensor arrays
J Iivanainen, M Stenroos, L Parkkonen
NeuroImage 147, 542-553, 2017
On-scalp MEG system utilizing an actively shielded array of optically-pumped magnetometers
J Iivanainen, R Zetter, M Grön, K Hakkarainen, L Parkkonen
Neuroimage 194, 244-258, 2019
Independent component analysis of short-time Fourier transforms for spontaneous EEG/MEG analysis
A Hyvärinen, P Ramkumar, L Parkkonen, R Hari
NeuroImage 49 (1), 257-271, 2010
Sources of auditory brainstem responses revisited: contribution by magnetoencephalography
L Parkkonen, N Fujiki, JP Mäkelä
Human brain mapping 30 (6), 1772-1782, 2009
Short-term memory functions of the human fetus recorded with magnetoencephalography
M Huotilainen, A Kujala, M Hotakainen, L Parkkonen, S Taulu, J Simola, ...
Neuroreport 16 (1), 81-84, 2005
Hybrid ultra‐low‐field MRI and magnetoencephalography system based on a commercial whole‐head neuromagnetometer
PT Vesanen, JO Nieminen, KCJ Zevenhoven, J Dabek, LT Parkkonen, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69 (6), 1795-1804, 2013
Comparing MEG and fMRI views to naming actions and objects
M Liljeström, A Hulten, L Parkkonen, R Salmelin
Human brain mapping 30 (6), 1845-1856, 2009
A 122-channel whole-cortex SQUID system for measuring the brain's magnetic fields
JET Knuutila, AI Ahonen, MS Hamalainen, MJ Kajola, PP Laine, ...
IEEE transactions on magnetics 29 (6), 3315-3320, 1993
The brain in time: insights from neuromagnetic recordings
R Hari, L Parkkonen, C Nangini
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1191 (1), 89-109, 2010
Magnetocardiography with sensors based on giant magnetoresistance
M Pannetier-Lecoeur, L Parkkonen, N Sergeeva-Chollet, H Polovy, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (15), 2011
SQUIDs in biomagnetism: a roadmap towards improved healthcare
R Körber, JH Storm, H Seton, JP Mäkelä, R Paetau, L Parkkonen, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 29 (11), 113001, 2016
Distinct cortical codes and temporal dynamics for conscious and unconscious percepts
M Salti, S Monto, L Charles, JR King, L Parkkonen, S Dehaene
Elife 4, e05652, 2015
Synchrony of brains and bodies during implicit interpersonal interaction
R Hari, T Himberg, L Nummenmaa, M Hämäläinen, L Parkkonen
Trends in cognitive sciences 17 (3), 105-106, 2013
Early visual brain areas reflect the percept of an ambiguous scene
L Parkkonen, J Andersson, M Hämäläinen, R Hari
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (51), 20500-20504, 2008
The brain timewise: how timing shapes and supports brain function
R Hari, L Parkkonen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
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Articles 1–20