Krissinel, E*
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Cited by
Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments
MD Winn, CC Ballard, KD Cowtan, EJ Dodson, P Emsley, PR Evans, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 67 (4), 235-242, 2011
Inference of macromolecular assemblies from crystalline state
E Krissinel, K Henrick
Journal of molecular biology 372 (3), 774-797, 2007
Secondary-structure matching (SSM), a new tool for fast protein structure alignment in three dimensions
E Krissinel, K Henrick
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 60 (12), 2256-2268, 2004
Developments in the CCP4 molecular-graphics project
L Potterton, S McNicholas, E Krissinel, J Gruber, K Cowtan, P Emsley, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 60 (12), 2288-2294, 2004
A new generation of crystallographic validation tools for the protein data bank
RJ Read, PD Adams, WB Arendall, AT Brunger, P Emsley, RP Joosten, ...
Structure 19 (10), 1395-1412, 2011
CCP4i2: the new graphical user interface to the CCP4 program suite
L Potterton, J Agirre, C Ballard, K Cowtan, E Dodson, PR Evans, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 74 (2), 68-84, 2018
The CCP4 suite: integrative software for macromolecular crystallography
J Agirre, M Atanasova, H Bagdonas, CB Ballard, A Baslé, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 79 (6), 449-461, 2023
Crystal contacts as nature's docking solutions
E Krissinel
Journal of computational chemistry 31 (1), 133-143, 2010
Detection of protein assemblies in crystals
E Krissinel, K Henrick
International Symposium on Computational Life Science, 163-174, 2005
The CCP4 molecular-graphics project
E Potterton, S McNicholas, E Krissinel, K Cowtan, M Noble
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 58 (11), 1955-1957, 2002
Stock-based detection of protein oligomeric states in jsPISA
E Krissinel
Nucleic acids research 43 (W1), W314-W319, 2015
Spherical symmetric diffusion problem
EB Krissinel', N Agmon
Journal of computational chemistry 17 (9), 1085-1098, 1996
NinAlm alloy clusters: analysis of structural forms and their energy ordering
J Jellinek, EB Krissinel
Chemical physics letters 258 (1-2), 283-292, 1996
Enhanced fold recognition using efficient short fragment clustering
E Krissinel
Journal of molecular biochemistry 1 (2), 76, 2012
PDBe: protein data bank in Europe
S Velankar, C Best, B Beuth, CH Boutselakis, N Cobley, ...
Nucleic acids research 38 (suppl_1), D308-D317, 2010
On the relationship between sequence and structure similarities in proteomics
E Krissinel
Bioinformatics 23 (6), 717-723, 2007
Remediation of the protein data bank archive
K Henrick, Z Feng, WF Bluhm, D Dimitropoulos, JF Doreleijers, S Dutta, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_1), D426-D433, 2007
Common subgraph isomorphism detection by backtracking search
EB Krissinel, K Henrick
Software: Practice and Experience 34 (6), 591-607, 2004
A structure-based anatomy of the E. coli metabolome
I Nobeli, H Ponstingl, EB Krissinel, JM Thornton
Journal of Molecular Biology 334 (4), 697-719, 2003
E-MSD: the European bioinformatics institute macromolecular structure database
H Boutselakis, D Dimitropoulos, J Fillon, A Golovin, K Henrick, A Hussain, ...
Nucleic acids research 31 (1), 458-462, 2003
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Articles 1–20