Sachi Yamaguchi
Sachi Yamaguchi
Tokyo Woman's Christian University
確認したメール アドレス: lab.twcu.ac.jp
Sexual systems and life history of barnacles: a theoretical perspective
S Yamaguchi, EL Charnov, K Sawada, Y Yusa
Integrative and Comparative Biology 52 (3), 356-365, 2012
Diverse, continuous, and plastic sexual systems in barnacles
Y Yusa, M Takemura, K Sawada, S Yamaguchi
Integrative and comparative biology 53 (4), 701-712, 2013
Mating group size and evolutionarily stable pattern of sexuality in barnacles
S Yamaguchi, Y Yusa, S Yamato, S Urano, S Takahashi
Journal of Theoretical Biology 253 (1), 61-73, 2008
Evolution of dwarf males and a variety of sexual modes in barnacles: an ESS approach
S Urano, S Yamaguchi, S Yamato, Y Yusa
Evolutionary Ecology Research 11 (5), 713-729, 2009
Sexual systems and dwarf males in barnacles: integrating life history and sex allocation theories
S Yamaguchi, Y Yusa, K Sawada, S Takahashi
Journal of Theoretical Biology 320, 1-9, 2013
Do tiny males grow up? Sperm competition and optimal resource allocation schedule of dwarf males of barnacles
S Yamaguchi, Y Ozaki, Y Yusa, S Takahashi
Journal of Theoretical Biology 245 (2), 319-328, 2007
Temperature-dependent sex determination, realized by hormonal dynamics with enzymatic reactions sensitive to ambient temperature
S Yamaguchi, Y Iwasa
Journal of theoretical biology 453, 146-155, 2018
Dwarf males in the epizoic barnacle Octolasmis unguisiformis and their implications for sexual system evolution
K Sawada, R Yoshida, K Yasuda, S Yamaguchi, Y Yusa
Invertebrate Biology 134 (2), 162-167, 2015
Evolution of sex determination and sexually dimorphic larval sizes in parasitic barnacles
S Yamaguchi, JT Høeg, Y Iwasa
Journal of theoretical biology 347, 7-16, 2014
Dwarf males, large hermaphrodites and females in marine species: a dynamic optimization model of sex allocation and growth
S Yamaguchi, K Sawada, Y Yusa, Y Iwasa
Theoretical Population Biology 85, 49-57, 2013
Task allocation in a cooperative society: specialized castes or age-dependent switching among ant workers
Y Iwasa, S Yamaguchi
Scientific reports 10 (1), 3339, 2020
Advantage for the sex changer who retains the gonad of the nonfunctional sex
S Yamaguchi, Y Iwasa
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 71, 1-12, 2017
Time required for sex change in teleost fishes: hormonal dynamics shaped by selection
S Yamaguchi
Journal of theoretical biology 407, 339-348, 2016
Dwarf males and hermaphrodites can coexist in marine sedentary species if the opportunity to become a dwarf male is limited
S Yamaguchi, K Sawada, Y Yusa, Y Iwasa
Journal of theoretical biology 334, 101-108, 2013
Sperm as a paternal investment: a model of sex allocation in sperm-digesting hermaphrodites
S Yamaguchi, K Sawada, Y Nakashima, S Takahashi
Theoretical ecology 5, 99-103, 2012
Evolutionary game in an androdioecious population: coupling of outcrossing and male production
S Yamaguchi, Y Iwasa
Journal of Theoretical Biology 513, 110594, 2021
Small and poor females change sex: A theoretical and empirical study on protogynous sex change in a triggerfish under varying resource abundance
S Yamaguchi, S Seki, K Sawada, S Takahashi
Journal of theoretical biology 317, 186-191, 2013
Bovine mastitis and optimal disease management: Dynamic programming analysis
T Sekiya, S Yamaguchi, Y Iwasa
Journal of theoretical biology 498, 110292, 2020
Be a good loser: A theoretical model for subordinate decision-making on bi-directional sex change in haremic fishes
K Sawada, S Yamaguchi, Y Iwasa
Journal of Theoretical Biology 421, 127-135, 2017
Enhanced risk of cancer in companion animals as a response to the longevity
M Tanaka, S Yamaguchi, Y Iwasa
Scientific reports 10 (1), 19508, 2020
論文 1–20