Yue Zhao
Sensor selection for TDOA-based localization in wireless sensor networks with non-line-of-sight condition
Y Zhao, Z Li, B Hao, J Shi
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (10), 9935-9950, 2019
How to select the best sensors for TDOA and TDOA/AOA localization?
Y Zhao, Z Li, B Hao, P Wan, L Wang
China Communications 16 (2), 134 - 145, 2019
Joint UAV position and power optimization for accurate regional localization in space-air integrated localization network
Y Zhao, Z Li, N Cheng, B Hao, X Shen
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (6), 4841-4854, 2020
A sensor selection method for TDOA and AOA localization in the presence of sensor errors
B Hao, Y Zhao, Z Li, P Wan
2017 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (IEEE/CIC …, 2017
Covert wireless communication with noise uncertainty in space-air-ground integrated vehicular networks
D Wang, P Qi, Y Zhao, C Li, W Wu, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (3), 2784-2797, 2021
Multiobjective optimization based sensor selection for TDOA tracking in wireless sensor network
Z Li, Y Zhao, N Cheng, B Hao, J Shi, R Zhang, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (12), 12360-12374, 2019
Accurate estimation the scanning cycle of the reconnaissance radar based on a single unmanned aerial vehicle
P Wan, B Hao, Z Li, X Ma, Y Zhao
IEEE Access 5, 22871-22879, 2017
Covert localization in wireless networks: Feasibility and performance analysis
Y Zhao, Z Li, N Cheng, W Wang, C Li, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (10), 6549-6563, 2020
Passive localization of signal source based on wireless sensor network in the air
P Wan, Y Ni, B Hao, Z Li, Y Zhao
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 14 (3), 1550147718767371, 2018
UAV deployment strategy for range-based space-air integrated localization network
Y Zhao, Z Li, N Cheng, R Zhang, B Hao, X Shen
2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Hybrid precoding for IRS-assisted secure mmWave communication system with SWIPT
J Xue, X Zhou, C Wang, D Wang, Y Zhao, Z Li
2020 International Conference on Space-Air-Ground Computing (SAGC), 82-86, 2020
面向 TDOA 被动定位的定位节点选择方法
郝本建, 王林林, 李赞, 赵越
电子与信息学报 41 (2), 462-468, 2019
Tradeoffs in covert wireless communication with a controllable full-duplex receiver
Y Zhao, Z Li, D Wang, N Cheng
China Communications 19 (5), 87-101, 2021
Matching Theory Assisted Resource Allocation in Millimeter Wave Ultra Dense Small Cell Networks
Z Zhao, J Shi, Z Li, L Yang, Y Zhao, W Liang
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019, 1-6, 2019
A new passive localization method of the interference source for satellite communications
B Hao, D An, L Wang, Z Li, Y Zhao
International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing …, 2017
Joint power and position optimization for the full-duplex receiver in covert communication
Y Zhao, Z Li, N Cheng, D Wang, W Quan, X Shen
ICC 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2020
Robust power and position optimization for the full-duplex receiver in covert communication
R Xu, L Guan, Y Zhao, Z Li, D Wang
2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2021
Resource allocation for covert wireless transmission in UAV communication networks
D Wang, Z Zheng, G He, P Qi, Y Zhao, Z Li
2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 01-06, 2021
Joint sensor selection and placement in partially controllable localization networks
Y Zhao, R Wang, Z Li, B Hao, D Wang
2021 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC …, 2021
Throughput analysis with dynamic spectrum access control in space-air-ground integrated networks
C Li, H Wu, Z Li, L Guan, Y Zhao, XS Shen
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2021
論文 1–20