osi arutanti
osi arutanti
Research Center for Chemistry, National Research and Innovation Agency
確認したメール アドレス: brin.go.id
Synthesis of spherical macroporous WO3 particles and their high photocatalytic performance
ABD Nandiyanto, O Arutanti, T Ogi, F Iskandar, TO Kim, K Okuyama
Chemical engineering science 101, 523-532, 2013
Influences of Porous Structurization and Pt Addition on the Improvement of Photocatalytic Performance of WO3 Particles
O Arutanti, ABD Nandiyanto, T Ogi, TO Kim, K Okuyama
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (5), 3009-3017, 2015
Synthesis of composite WO3/TiO2 nanoparticles by flame-assisted spray pyrolysis and their photocatalytic activity
O Arutanti, ABD Nandiyanto, T Ogi, F Iskandar, TO Kim, K Okuyama
Journal of alloys and compounds 591, 121-126, 2014
Controllable crystallite and particle sizes of WO3 particles prepared by a spray‐pyrolysis method and their photocatalytic activity
O Arutanti, T Ogi, ABD Nandiyanto, F Iskandar, K Okuyama
AIChE Journal 60 (1), 41-49, 2014
Influences of surface charge, size, and concentration of colloidal nanoparticles on fabrication of self-organized porous silica in film and particle forms
ABD Nandiyanto, A Suhendi, O Arutanti, T Ogi, K Okuyama
Langmuir 29 (21), 6262-6270, 2013
Nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots supported zinc oxide (ZnO/N-CQD) nanoflower photocatalyst for methylene blue photodegradation
H Widiyandari, O Prilita, MS Al Ja'farawy, F Nurosyid, O Arutanti, Y Astuti, ...
Results in Engineering 17, 100814, 2023
Tailored synthesis of macroporous Pt/WO3 photocatalyst with nanoaggregates via flame assisted spray pyrolysis
O Arutanti, AF Arif, R Balgis, T Ogi, K Okuyama, F Iskandar
AIChE Journal 62 (11), 3864-3873, 2016
Penjernihan air dari pencemar organik dengan proses fotokatalis pada permukaan titanium dioksida (TiO2)
O Arutanti, M Abdullah, K Khairurrijal, H Mahfudz
Jurnal Nanosains & Nanoteknologi, 53-55, 2009
Correlations between Reduction Degree and Catalytic Properties of WOx Nanoparticles
FG Rinaldi, O Arutanti, AF Arif, T Hirano, T Ogi, K Okuyama
ACS omega 3 (8), 8963-8970, 2018
A novel system for producing photocatalytic titanium dioxide‐coated fibers for decomposing organic pollutants in water
VA Isnaeni, O Arutanti, E Sustini, H Aliah, Khairurrijal, M Abdullah
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 32 (1), 42-51, 2013
Design and Application of Homogeneous-structured TiO2/Activated Carbon Nanocomposite for Adsorption–Photocatalytic Degradation of MO
O Arutanti, AL Sari, CW Kartikowati, AA Sari, AF Arif
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 233 (4), 118, 2022
Advanced Degradation of Lignin from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) by a Combination of Photocatalytic-Fenton Treatment and TiO2 Nanoparticle as the Catalyst
O Arutanti, AA Sari, A Berkah, M Nurdin, MA Fitriady, Y Parmawati, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 231, 1-10, 2020
Hkairurrijal. Mahfudz, H.(2009). Penjernihan Air dari Pencemar Organik dengan Proses Fotokatalis pada Permukaan Titanium Dioksida (TiO2)
O Arutanti, M Abdullah
Jurnal Nanosains & Nanoteknologi Agustus 2009, 2009
A study on ecolabeling and Life Cycle Assessment for food products in Indonesia: Potential application to improve the competitiveness of the tea industry
AAR Setiawan, A Sulaswatty, MS Haq, THA Utomo, A Randy, O Arutanti, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 277 (1), 012026, 2019
Synthesis of ZnO-Cdots nanoflower by hydrothermal method for antibacterial agent and dye photodegradation catalyst
H Widiyandari, ED Pratama, H Parasdila, R Suryana, O Arutanti, Y Astuti
Results in Materials 20, 100491, 2023
Synthesis of TiO2-Based Photocatalyst from Indonesia Ilmenite Ore for Photodegradation of Eriochrome Black-T Dye
RA Putri, S Tursiloadi, EF Nurrahmah, AR Liandi, O Arutanti
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 234 (8), 554, 2023
Microwave-assisted synthesis of TiO2/GO composite and its adsorption-photocatalysis property under visible light
S Setiawan, A Hardiansyah, CW Kartikowati, AF Arif, S Priatmoko, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1143 (1), 012055, 2021
Khairurrijal, dan Mahfudz H, 2009
O Arutanti, M Abdullah
Penjernihan Air Dari Pencemar Organik dengan Proses Fotokatalis pada …, 1979
Optimasi durasi pelapisan katalis TiO2 pada permukaan polimer polipropilena serta aplikasinya dalam fotodegradasi larutan metilen biru
M Budiman, M Abdullah
Khairurrijal and M. Abdullah
VA Isnaeni, O Arutanti, E Sustini, H Aliah
Environ. Prog. Sustain. Energy 1 (1), 2011
論文 1–20