Víctor López-Jaquero
Víctor López-Jaquero
LoUISE Research Group, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
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USIXML: A language supporting multi-path development of user interfaces
Q Limbourg, J Vanderdonckt, B Michotte, L Bouillon, V López-Jaquero
Engineering Human Computer Interaction and Interactive Systems: Joint …, 2005
Towards an Extended Model of User Interface Adaptation: The Isatine Framework
V López-Jaquero, J Vanderdonckt, F Montero, P González
Engineering Interactive Systems: EIS 2007 Joint Working Conferences, EHCI …, 2008
Applying thematic analysis to define an awareness interpretation for collaborative computer games
MA Teruel, E Navarro, P González, V López-Jaquero, F Montero
Information and Software Technology 74, 17-44, 2016
Solving the Mapping Problem in User Interface Design by Seamless Integration in IdealXML
F Montero, V López-Jaquero, J Vanderdonckt, P González, M Lozano, ...
International Workshop on Design, Specification, and Verification of …, 2005
IdealXML: An Interaction Design Tool: A Task-based Approach to User Interface Design
F Montero, V López-Jaquero
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces V, 245-252, 2007
eLearniXML: Towards a model-based approach for the development of e-Learning systems considering quality
H Fardoun, F Montero, VL Jaquero
Advances in Engineering Software 40 (12), 1297-1305, 2009
Analyzing the understandability of Requirements Engineering languages for CSCW systems: A family of experiments
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, J Jaen, P González
Information and Software Technology 54 (11), 1215-1228, 2012
A CSCW requirements engineering CASE tool: development and usability evaluation
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, P González
Information and Software Technology 56 (8), 922-949, 2014
CSRML: a goal-oriented approach to model requirements for collaborative systems
MA Teruel, E Navarro, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, P González
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2011: 30th International Conference, ER 2011 …, 2011
Model-based design of adaptive user interfaces through connectors
V López-Jaquero, F Montero, JP Molina, A Fernández-Caballero, ...
Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification: 10th …, 2003
A multi-agent system for acquired brain injury rehabilitation in ambient intelligence environments
C Roda, AC Rodríguez, V López-Jaquero, E Navarro, P González
Neurocomputing 231, 11-18, 2017
Bridging the gap: developing 2D and 3D user interfaces with the IDEAS methodology
JP Molina, P González, MD Lozano, F Montero, V López-Jaquero
Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification: 10th …, 2003
Computer-aided relearning activity patterns for people with acquired brain injury
F Montero, V López-Jaquero, E Navarro, E Sánchez
Computers & Education 57 (1), 1149-1159, 2011
A seamless development process of adaptive user interfaces explicitly based on usability properties
V López-Jaquero, F Montero, JP Molina, P González, ...
IFIP International Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction …, 2004
Adaptive, multisensorial, physiological and social: the next generation of telerehabilitation systems
E Navarro, P González, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, JP Molina, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 12, 43, 2018
Adaptive Interaction Multi-agent Systems in E-learning/E-teaching on the Web
A Fernández-Caballero, V López-Jaquero, F Montero, P González
Web Engineering: International Conference, ICWE 2003 Oviedo, Spain, July 14 …, 2003
Designing user interface adaptation rules with T: XML
V López-Jaquero, F Montero, F Real
Proceedings of the 14th International conference on Intelligent user …, 2009
Intelligent user interfaces: Past, present and future
VL Jaquero, F Montero, JP Molina, P Gonz´ lez
Engineering the User Interface: From Research to Practice, 1-12, 2008
A virtual learning environment for short age children [sic.: for'short age'read'young']
P González, F Montero, V López, A Fernández-Caballero, J Montañés, ...
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2001
Supporting ARINC 653-based dynamic reconfiguration
V López-Jaquero, F Montero, E Navarro, A Esparcia, JA Catal'n
2012 Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20