Mu-En Wu (吳牧恩, mnwu)
Mu-En Wu (吳牧恩, mnwu)
確認したメール アドレス: ntut.edu.tw - ホームページ
A secure authenticated and key exchange scheme for fog computing
CM Chen, Y Huang, KH Wang, S Kumari, ME Wu
Enterprise Information Systems 15 (9), 1200-1215, 2021
Dual RSA and its security analysis
HM Sun, ME Wu, WC Ting, MJ Hinek
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53 (8), 2922-2933, 2007
Decentralized E-voting systems based on the blockchain technology
JH Hsiao, R Tso, CM Chen, ME Wu
Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing: CSA-CUTE 17, 305-309, 2018
Applied attention-based LSTM neural networks in stock prediction
LC Cheng, YH Huang, ME Wu
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 4716-4718, 2018
Portfolio management system in equity market neutral using reinforcement learning
ME Wu, JH Syu, JCW Lin, JM Ho
Applied Intelligence 51 (11), 8119-8131, 2021
Deep-learning-based defective bean inspection with GAN-structured automated labeled data augmentation in coffee industry
YC Chou, CJ Kuo, TT Chen, GJ Horng, MY Pai, ME Wu, YC Lin, MH Hung, ...
Applied Sciences 9 (19), 4166, 2019
An approach towards rebalanced RSA-CRT with short public exponent
HM Sun, ME Wu
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2005
An effective approach for obtaining a group trading strategy portfolio using grouping genetic algorithm
CH Chen, YH Chen, JCW Lin, ME Wu
IEEE Access 7, 7313-7325, 2019
Privacy-preserving data communication through secure multi-party computation in healthcare sensor cloud
R Tso, A Alelaiwi, SM Mizanur Rahman, ME Wu, MS Hossain
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 89, 51-59, 2017
Kelly-based options trading strategies on settlement date via supervised learning algorithms
ME Wu, JH Syu, CM Chen
Computational Economics 59 (4), 1627-1644, 2022
An IoT-based hedge system for solar power generation
JH Syu, ME Wu, G Srivastava, CF Chao, JCW Lin
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (13), 10347-10355, 2021
On the improvement of Fermat factorization using a continued fraction technique
ME Wu, R Tso, HM Sun
Future Generation Computer Systems 30, 162-168, 2014
Effective fuzzy system for qualifying the characteristics of stocks by random trading
ME Wu, JH Syu, JCW Lin, JM Ho
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 30 (8), 3152-3165, 2021
Using trading mechanisms to investigate large futures data and their implications to market trends
ME Wu, CH Wang, WH Chung
Soft Computing 21, 2821-2834, 2017
A novel approach of option portfolio construction using the Kelly criterion
ME Wu, WH Chung
IEEE Access 6, 53044-53052, 2018
A communication-efficient private matching scheme in Client–Server model
ME Wu, SY Chang, CJ Lu, HM Sun
Information sciences 275, 348-359, 2014
Trading decryption for speeding encryption in Rebalanced-RSA
HM Sun, ME Wu, MJ Hinek, CT Yang, VS Tseng
Journal of Systems and Software 82 (9), 1503-1512, 2009
Estimating the prime-factors of an RSA modulus and an extension of the Wiener attack
HM Sun, ME Wu, YH Chen
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 116-128, 2007
Enhanced authentication protocol for the Internet of Things environment
CM Chen, X Li, S Liu, ME Wu, S Kumari
Security and Communication Networks 2022 (1), 8543894, 2022
Assessing the profitability of timely opening range breakout on index futures markets
YC Tsai, ME Wu, JH Syu, CL Lei, CS Wu, JM Ho, CJ Wang
IEEE Access 7, 32061-32071, 2019
論文 1–20