Grzegorz Karczewski
Grzegorz Karczewski
Instytut Fizyki, Polska Akademia Nauk
確認したメール アドレス: ifpan.edu.pl
The Physics of Semiconductors
MJ Caldas, J Dabrowski, A Fazzio, M Scheffler
Singapore: World Scientific, 1990
Temperature dependent magnetic anisotropy in (Ga, Mn) As layers
M Sawicki, F Matsukura, A Idziaszek, T Dietl, GM Schott, C Ruester, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (24), 245325, 2004
Optical manipulation of a single Mn spin in a CdTe-based quantum dot
M Goryca, T Kazimierczuk, M Nawrocki, A Golnik, JA Gaj, P Kossacki, ...
Physical review letters 103 (8), 087401, 2009
Photoluminescence study of CdTe/ZnTe self-assembled quantum dots
G Karczewski, S Maćkowski, M Kutrowski, T Wojtowicz, J Kossut
Applied physics letters 74 (20), 3011-3013, 1999
Kinetic exchange between the conduction band electrons and magnetic ions in quantum-confined structures
IA Merkulov, DR Yakovlev, A Keller, W Ossau, J Geurts, A Waag, ...
Physical Review Letters 83 (7), 1431, 1999
Spin coherence of a two-dimensional electron gas induced by resonant excitation of trions and excitons in quantum wells
EA Zhukov, DR Yakovlev, M Bayer, MM Glazov, EL Ivchenko, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (20), 205310, 2007
Energy transfer from photocarriers into the magnetic ion system mediated by a two-dimensional electron gas in (Cd, Mn) Te/(Cd, Mg) Te quantum wells
B König, IA Merkulov, DR Yakovlev, W Ossau, SM Ryabchenko, ...
Physical Review B 61 (24), 16870, 2000
Molecular beam epitaxy of high structural quality Bi2Se3 on lattice matched InP (111) substrates
S Schreyeck, NV Tarakina, G Karczewski, C Schumacher, T Borzenko, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (4), 2013
Spin-transistor action via tunable Landau-Zener transitions
C Betthausen, T Dollinger, H Saarikoski, V Kolkovsky, G Karczewski, ...
Science 337 (6092), 324-327, 2012
Comparative Study of the Microstructure of Bi2Se3 Thin Films Grown on Si(111) and InP(111) Substrates
NV Tarakina, S Schreyeck, T Borzenko, C Schumacher, G Karczewski, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 12 (4), 1913-1918, 2012
Ising quantum Hall ferromagnet in magnetically doped quantum wells
J Jaroszyński, T Andrearczyk, G Karczewski, J Wróbel, T Wojtowicz, ...
Physical review letters 89 (26), 266802, 2002
Excitons and Trions Modified by Interaction with a Two‐Dimensional Electron Gas
RA Suris, VP Kochereshko, GV Astakhov, DR Yakovlev, W Ossau, ...
physica status solidi (b) 227 (2), 343-352, 2001
Access to long-term optical memories using photon echoes retrieved from semiconductor spins
L Langer, SV Poltavtsev, IA Yugova, M Salewski, DR Yakovlev, ...
Nature Photonics 8 (11), 851-857, 2014
ZnTe nanowires grown on GaAs (100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy
E Janik, J Sadowski, P Dłużewski, S Kret, LT Baczewski, A Petroutchik, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (13), 2006
Excitation mechanisms of individual quantum dots studied by photon correlation spectroscopy
J Suffczyński, T Kazimierczuk, M Goryca, B Piechal, A Trajnerowicz, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (8), 085319, 2006
Magnetism and band structure of the semimagnetic semiconductor Pb-Sn-Mn-Te
T Story, G Karczewski, L Świerkowski, RR Gałazka
Physical Review B 42 (16), 10477, 1990
Catalytic growth of ZnTe nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy: structural studies
E Janik, P Dłużewski, S Kret, A Presz, H Kirmse, W Neumann, ...
Nanotechnology 18 (47), 475606, 2007
Optically-induced magnetization of CdMnTe self-assembled quantum dots
S Mackowski, T Gurung, TA Nguyen, HE Jackson, LM Smith, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (17), 3337-3339, 2004
Observation of Transverse Hyperon Polarization in Annihilation at Belle
Y Guan, A Vossen, I Adachi, K Adamczyk, JK Ahn, H Aihara, S Al Said, ...
Physical review letters 122 (4), 042001, 2019
High mobility 2D electron gas in iodine modulation doped CdTe/CdMgTe heterostructures
G Karczewski, J Jaroszyński, A Barcz, M Kutrowski, T Wojtowicz, J Kossut
Journal of crystal growth 184, 814-817, 1998
論文 1–20