Yue-Gau Chen
Yue-Gau Chen
Professor of Geosciences, National Taiwan Uinversity
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Prolonged seismically induced erosion and the mass balance of a large earthquake
N Hovius, P Meunier, CW Lin, H Chen, YG Chen, S Dadson, MJ Horng, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 304 (3-4), 347-355, 2011
Neotectonic architecture of Taiwan and its implications for future large earthquakes
JBH Shyu, K Sieh, YG Chen, CS Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B8), 2005
Seismic tomography of Taiwan: Improved constraints from a dense network of strong motion stations
YM Wu, CH Chang, L Zhao, JBH Shyu, YG Chen, K Sieh, JP Avouac
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B8), 2007
Late Cenozoic metamorphic evolution and exhumation of Taiwan
O Beyssac, M Simoes, JP Avouac, KA Farley, YG Chen, YC Chan, B Goffé
Tectonics 26 (6), 2007
Surface rupture of 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake yields insights on active tectonics of central Taiwan
YG Chen, WS Chen, JC Lee, YH Lee, CT Lee, HC Chang, CH Lo
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 91 (5), 977-985, 2001
Thermo-kinematic evolution of the Taiwan oblique-collision mountain belt as revealed by zircon fission track dating
TK Liu, S Hsieh, YG Chen, WS Chen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 186 (1), 45-56, 2001
How rivers react to large earthquakes: Evidence from central Taiwan
BJ Yanites, GE Tucker, KJ Mueller, YG Chen
Geology 38 (7), 639-642, 2010
Incision and channel morphology across active structures along the Peikang River, central Taiwan: Implications for the importance of channel width
BJ Yanites, GE Tucker, KJ Mueller, YG Chen, T Wilcox, SY Huang, ...
Bulletin 122 (7-8), 1192-1208, 2010
Diversity of benthic organic matter flows through polychaetes and crabs in a mangrove estuary: δ13C and δ34S signals
HL Hsieh, CP Chen, YG Chen, HH Yang
Marine Ecology Progress Series 227, 145-155, 2002
Mountain building in Taiwan: A thermokinematic model
M Simoes, JP Avouac, O Beyssac, B Goffé, KA Farley, YG Chen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B11), 2007
Rates of cooling and denudation of the Early Penglai Orogeny, Taiwan, as assessed by fission-track constraints
TK Liu, YG Chen, WS Chen, SH Jiang
Tectonophysics 320 (1), 69-82, 2000
Variations of methane induced pyrite formation in the accretionary wedge sediments offshore southwestern Taiwan
YC Lim, S Lin, TF Yang, YG Chen, CS Liu
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (10), 1829-1837, 2011
Stratigraphic architecture, magnetostratigraphy, and incised-valley systems of the Pliocene-Pleistocene collisional marine foreland basin of Taiwan
WS Chen, KD Ridgway, CS Horng, YG Chen, KS Shea, MG Yeh
Geological Society of America Bulletin 113 (10), 1249-1271, 2001
A vertical exposure of the 1999 surface rupture of the Chelungpu fault at Wufeng, western Taiwan: Structural and paleoseismic implications for an active thrust fault
JC Lee, YG Chen, K Sieh, K Mueller, WS Chen, HT Chu, YC Chan, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 91 (5), 914-929, 2001
500 000-Year records of carbonate, organic carbon, and foraminiferal sea-surface temperature from the southeastern South China Sea (near Palawan Island)
MT Chen, LJ Shiau, PS Yu, TC Chiu, YG Chen, KY Wei
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 197 (1-2), 113-131, 2003
Bedrock detection using 2D electrical resistivity imaging along the Peikang River, central Taiwan
HL Hsu, BJ Yanites, C Chen, YG Chen
Geomorphology 114 (3), 406-414, 2010
Coseismic versus interseismic ground deformations, fault rupture inversion and segmentation revealed by 2003 Mw 6.8 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan
YM Wu, YG Chen, TC Shin, H Kuochen, CS Hou, JC Hu, CH Chang, ...
Geophysical research letters 33 (2), 2006
Coseismic fold scarps and their kinematic behavior in the 1999 Chi‐Chi earthquake Taiwan
YG Chen, KY Lai, YH Lee, J Suppe, WS Chen, YNN Lin, Y Wang, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B3), 2007
Millennial slip rate of the Longitudinal Valley fault from river terraces: Implications for convergence across the active suture of eastern Taiwan
JBH Shyu, K Sieh, JP Avouac, WS Chen, YG Chen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B8), 2006
Sea level changes in the last several thousand years, Penghu Islands, Taiwan Strait
YG Chen, TK Liu
Quaternary Research 45 (3), 254-262, 1996
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Articles 1–20