Islam Boussaada
Islam Boussaada
Full professor at IPSA, Researcher at L2S, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Inria
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Analysis and control of oilwell drilling vibrations
MBS Márquez, I Boussaada, H Mounier, SI Niculescu
A Time-Delay Systems Approach, ser. Advances in Industrial Control. Springer, 2015
A control oriented guided tour in oilwell drilling vibration modeling
B Saldivar, S Mondié, SI Niculescu, H Mounier, I Boussaada
Annual reviews in Control 42, 100-113, 2016
Multiplicity-induced-dominancy in parametric second-order delay differential equations: Analysis and application in control design
I Boussaada, SI Niculescu, A El-Ati, R Pérez-Ramos, K Trabelsi
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 26, 57, 2020
Further remarks on the effect of multiple spectral values on the dynamics of time-delay systems. Application to the control of a mechanical system
I Boussaada, S Tliba, SI Niculescu, HU Ünal, T Vyhlídal
Linear Algebra and its Applications 542, 589-604, 2018
Characterizing the codimension of zero singularities for time-delay systems: a link with Vandermonde and Birkhoff incidence matrices
I Boussaada, SI Niculescu
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 145, 47-88, 2016
Multiplicity-induced-dominancy for delay-differential equations of retarded type
G Mazanti, I Boussaada, SI Niculescu
Journal of Differential Equations 286, 84-118, 2021
Tracking the algebraic multiplicity of crossing imaginary roots for generic quasipolynomials: A Vandermonde-based approach
I Boussaada, SI Niculescu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (6), 1601-1606, 2015
Multiplicity and stable varieties of time-delay systems: A missing link
I Boussaada, HU Unal, SI Niculescu
22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems …, 2016
Analysis of drilling vibrations: A time-delay system approach
I Boussaada, H Mounier, SI Niculescu, A Cela
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 610-614, 2012
An overview on the modeling of oilwell drilling vibrations
B Saldivar, I Boussaada, H Mounier, S Mondié, SI Niculescu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 5169-5174, 2014
Inverted pendulum stabilization: Characterization of codimension-three triple zero bifurcation via multiple delayed proportional gains
I Boussaada, IC Morărescu, SI Niculescu
Systems & Control Letters 82, 1-9, 2015
The generic multiplicity-induced-dominancy property from retarded to neutral delay-differential equations: When delay-systems characteristics meet the zeros of Kummer functions
I Boussaada, G Mazanti, SI Niculescu
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 360 (G4), 349-369, 2022
Conditions for stabilizability of time‐delay systems with real‐rooted plant
T Balogh, I Boussaada, T Insperger, SI Niculescu
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 32 (6), 3206-3224, 2022
PID control design for first-order delay systems via MID pole placement: Performance vs. robustness
D Ma, I Boussaada, J Chen, C Bonnet, SI Niculescu, J Chen
Automatica 137, 110102, 2022
On the dominancy of multiple spectral values for time-delay systems with applications
I Boussaada, SI Niculescu
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (14), 55-60, 2018
An explicit formula for the splitting of multiple eigenvalues for nonlinear eigenvalue problems and connections with the linearization for the delay eigenvalue problem
W Michiels, I Boussaada, SI Niculescu
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 38 (2), 599-620, 2017
Real spectral values coexistence and their effect on the stability of time-delay systems: Vandermonde matrices and exponential decay
F Bedouhene, I Boussaada, SI Niculescu
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 358 (9-10), 1011-1032, 2020
Control of drilling vibrations: A time-delay system-based approach
I Boussaada, A Cela, H Mounier, SI Niculescu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (3), 226-231, 2013
On Qualitative Properties of Low-Degree Quasipolynomials : Further remarks on the spectral abscissa and rightmost-roots assignment
S Amrane, F Bedouhene, I Boussaada, SI Niculescu
Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie …, 2018
Computing the codimension of the singularity at the origin for delay systems: The missing link with Birkhoff incidence matrices
I Boussaada, SI Niculescu
21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems …, 2014
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