Jose Fortes
Cited by
Cited by
Multi-objective virtual machine placement in virtualized data center environments
J Xu, JAB Fortes
2010 IEEE/ACM int'l conference on green computing and communications & int'l …, 2010
Partitioning and mapping algorithms into fixed size systolic arrays
DI Moldovan, JAB Fortes
IEEE Transactions on Computers 35 (01), 1-12, 1986
A case for grid computing on virtual machines
RJ Figueiredo, PA Dinda, JAB Fortes
23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2003 …, 2003
Vmplants: Providing and managing virtual machine execution environments for grid computing
I Krsul, A Ganguly, J Zhang, JAB Fortes, RJ Figueiredo
SC'04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 7-7, 2004
Cloudblast: Combining mapreduce and virtualization on distributed resources for bioinformatics applications
A Matsunaga, M Tsugawa, J Fortes
2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience, 222-229, 2008
Science clouds: Early experiences in cloud computing for scientific applications
K Keahey, R Figueiredo, J Fortes, T Freeman, M Tsugawa
Cloud computing and applications 2008, 825-830, 2008
Sky computing
K Keahey, M Tsugawa, A Matsunaga, J Fortes
IEEE Internet Computing 13 (5), 43-51, 2009
From virtualized resources to virtual computing grids: the In-VIGO system
S Adabala, V Chadha, P Chawla, R Figueiredo, J Fortes, I Krsul, ...
Future generation computer systems 21 (6), 896-909, 2005
On the use of machine learning to predict the time and resources consumed by applications
A Matsunaga, JAB Fortes
2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2010
On the use of fuzzy modeling in virtualized data center management
J Xu, M Zhao, J Fortes, R Carpenter, M Yousif
Fourth International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'07), 25-25, 2007
Coadaptive brain–machine interface via reinforcement learning
J DiGiovanna, B Mahmoudi, J Fortes, JC Principe, JC Sanchez
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 56 (1), 54-64, 2008
Time optimal linear schedules for algorithms with uniform dependencies
W Shang, JAB Fortes
IEEE Transactions on Computers 40 (06), 723-742, 1991
Guest editors' introduction: Resource virtualization renaissance
R Figueiredo, PA Dinda, J Fortes
Computer 38 (5), 28-31, 2005
A taxonomy of reconfiguration techniques for fault-tolerant processor arrays
M Chean, JAB Fortes
Computer 23 (1), 55-69, 1990
Predictive application-performance modeling in a computational grid environment
NH Kapadia, JAB Fortes, CE Brodley
Proceedings. The Eighth International Symposium on High Performance …, 1999
Digitization of biodiversity collections reveals biggest data on biodiversity
LM Page, BJ MacFadden, JA Fortes, PS Soltis, G Riccardi
BioScience 65 (9), 841-842, 2015
Toward hardware-redundant, fault-tolerant logic for nanoelectronics
J Han, J Gao, P Jonker, Y Qi, JAB Fortes
IEEE Design & Test of Computers 22 (4), 328-339, 2005
Autonomic resource management in virtualized data centers using fuzzy logic-based approaches
J Xu, M Zhao, J Fortes, R Carpenter, M Yousif
Cluster Computing 11, 213-227, 2008
Reliability evaluation of logic circuits using probabilistic gate models
J Han, H Chen, E Boykin, J Fortes
Microelectronics Reliability 51 (2), 468-476, 2011
PUNCH: An architecture for web-enabled wide-area network-computing
NH Kapadia, JAB Fortes
Cluster Computing 2, 153-164, 1999
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Articles 1–20