Ivar Lokhorst
Ivar Lokhorst
Consultant, Royal HaskoningDHV
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Cited by
Effects of debris flow composition on runout, depositional mechanisms, and deposit morphology in laboratory experiments
T De Haas, L Braat, JRFW Leuven, IR Lokhorst, MG Kleinhans
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (9), 1949-1972, 2015
Effects of estuarine mudflat formation on tidal prism and large‐scale morphology in experiments
L Braat, JRFW Leuven, IR Lokhorst, MG Kleinhans
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (2), 417-432, 2019
Morphological effects of vegetation on the tidal–fluvial transition in Holocene estuaries
IR Lokhorst, L Braat, JRFW Leuven, AW Baar, M Van Oorschot, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 6 (4), 883-901, 2018
Effects of debris-flow composition and topography on runout distance, depositional mechanisms and deposit morphology
T De Haas, L Braat, JFW Leuven, IR Lokhorst, MG Kleinhans
Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface. 120 (9), 2015
Species selection and assessment of eco‐engineering effects of seedlings for biogeomorphological landscape experiments
IR Lokhorst, SI de Lange, G van Buiten, S Selaković, MG Kleinhans
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (14), 2922-2935, 2019
Estuarine morphodynamics and development modified by floodplain formation
MG Kleinhans, L Roelofs, SAH Weisscher, IR Lokhorst, L Braat
Earth Surface Dynamics 10 (2), 367-381, 2022
Morphological effects of vegetation on the fluvial‐tidal transition in Holocene estuaries
I Lokhorst, L Braat, J Leuven, AW Baar, M van Oorschot, S Selakovic, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 2018, 1-28, 2018
Effects of Cohesive Sediment on Estuarine Morphology in Laboratory Scale Experiments
L Braat, J Leuven, I Lokhorst, MG Kleinhans
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, EP21E-1888, 2017
The effect of debris-flow composition on runout distance
TD Haas, L Braat, J Leuven, I Lokhorst, MG Kleinhans
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, NH51B-3846, 2014
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Articles 1–9