Cristina Rottondi
Cristina Rottondi
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino
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Cited by
An overview on application of machine learning techniques in optical networks
F Musumeci, C Rottondi, A Nag, I Macaluso, D Zibar, M Ruffini, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (2), 1383-1408, 2018
An overview on networked music performance technologies
C Rottondi, C Chafe, C Allocchio, A Sarti
IEEE Access 4, 8823-8843, 2016
Machine-learning method for quality of transmission prediction of unestablished lightpaths
C Rottondi, L Barletta, A Giusti, M Tornatore
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 10 (2), A286-A297, 2018
The role of smart meters in enabling real-time energy services for households: The Italian case
A Pitì, G Verticale, C Rottondi, A Capone, L Lo Schiavo
Energies 10 (2), 199, 2017
A tutorial on machine learning for failure management in optical networks
F Musumeci, C Rottondi, G Corani, S Shahkarami, F Cugini, M Tornatore
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (16), 4125-4139, 2019
QoT estimation for unestablished lighpaths using machine learning
L Barletta, A Giusti, C Rottondi, M Tornatore
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th1J. 1, 2017
Privacy-preserving smart metering with multiple data consumers
C Rottondi, G Verticale, A Capone
Computer Networks 57 (7), 1699-1713, 2013
Distributed privacy-preserving aggregation of metering data in smart grids
C Rottondi, G Verticale, C Krauss
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (7), 1342-1354, 2013
Routing, modulation format, baud rate and spectrum allocation in optical metro rings with flexible grid and few-mode transmission
C Rottondi, P Boffi, P Martelli, M Tornatore
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (1), 61-70, 2016
The internet of sounds: Convergent trends, insights, and future directions
L Turchet, M Lagrange, C Rottondi, G Fazekas, N Peters, J Østergaard, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (13), 11264-11292, 2023
Machine learning regression for QoT estimation of unestablished lightpaths
M Ibrahimi, H Abdollahi, C Rottondi, A Giusti, A Ferrari, V Curri, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 13 (4), B92-B101, 2021
Routing and spectrum assignment integrating machine-learning-based QoT estimation in elastic optical networks
M Salani, C Rottondi, M Tornatore
IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1738-1746, 2019
A survey on the design of gamified systems for energy and water sustainability
S Albertarelli, P Fraternali, S Herrera, M Melenhorst, J Novak, C Pasini, ...
Games 9 (3), 38, 2018
A privacy-friendly gaming framework in smart electricity and water grids
C Rottondi, G Verticale
IEEE Access 5, 14221-14233, 2017
Routing, modulation level, and spectrum assignment in optical metro ring networks using elastic transceivers
C Rottondi, M Tornatore, A Pattavina, G Gavioli
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 5 (4), 305-315, 2013
Evaluation of the precision-privacy tradeoff of data perturbation for smart metering
M Savi, C Rottondi, G Verticale
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (5), 2409-2416, 2015
Feature-based analysis of the effects of packet delay on networked musical interactions
CE Rottondi, M Buccoli, M Zanoni, DG Garao, G Verticale, A Sarti
AES 63 (11), 864-875, 2015
Scheduling of emergency tasks for multiservice UAVs in post-disaster scenarios
C Rottondi, F Malandrino, A Bianco, CF Chiasserini, I Stavrakakis
Computer Networks 184, 107644, 2021
Optical ring metro networks with flexible grid and distance-adaptive optical coherent transceivers
C Rottondi, M Tornatore, G Gavioli
Bell Labs Technical Journal 18 (3), 95-110, 2013
Enabling privacy in a distributed game-theoretical scheduling system for domestic appliances
C Rottondi, A Barbato, L Chen, G Verticale
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (3), 1220-1230, 2016
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Articles 1–20