Pavlos Nicolaou
Pavlos Nicolaou
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Investigating smartphones and AR glasses for pedestrian navigation and their effects in spatial knowledge acquisition
A Lakehal, S Lepreux, C Efstratiou, C Kolski, P Nicolaou
22nd international conference on human-computer interaction with mobile …, 2020
Spatial knowledge acquisition for pedestrian navigation: A comparative study between smartphones and AR glasses
A Lakehal, S Lepreux, C Efstratiou, C Kolski, P Nicolaou
Information 14 (7), 353, 2023
Stroke event simulator using virtual reality
P Nicolaou, M Loizou, F Loizides
2016 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious …, 2016
Tracking daily routines of elderly users through acoustic sensing: An unsupervised learning approach
P Nicolaou, C Efstratiou
2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2022
Tracking changes in daily routines of elderly users through acoustic sensing: An unsupervised learning approach
P Nicolaou, C Efstratiou
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Articles 1–5