Ilya Burkov
Ilya Burkov
Peter The Great St. Petersburg Politechnic Univ.
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Stabilization of position or uniform motion of mechanical systems via bounded control and without velocity measurements
IV Burkov
2009 IEEE Control Applications,(CCA) & Intelligent Control,(ISIC), 400-405, 2009
Asymptotic stabilization of nonlinear Lagrangian systems without measuring velocities
IV Burkov
Active Control in Mechanical Engineering. Pric. Int. Symp.(Lyon, France 1993 …, 1995
Active damping of engine speed oscillations based on learning control
AT Zaremba, IV Burkov, RM Stuntz
Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No …, 1998
Mechanical system stabilization via differential observer
IV Burkov
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 28 (8), 481-484, 1995
Dynamics of elastic manipulators with electric drives
IV Burkov, AT Zaremba
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Mekh. Tverd. Tela 22 (1), 57-64, 1987
Stabilization of a natural mechanical system without measuring its velocities with application to the control of a rigid body
IV Burkov
Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 62 (6), 853-862, 1998
Adaptive control for angle speed oscillations generated by periodic disturbances
IV Burkov, AT Zaremba
Proceedings of the 6th St. Petersburg Symp. on Adaptive Systems Theory, 34-36, 1999
Stabilization of the position of a lagrangian system with elastic elements and bounded control, with and without measurement of velocities
IV Burkov, LB Freidovich
Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 61 (3), 433-441, 1997
Algorithms of robust global stabilization of flexible manipulators
IV Burkov, AA Pervozvanski, LB Freidovich
Proc. World Automation Congress, Montepellier, France, 1996
Asymptotic stabilization of the position of a rigid body with fixed point without velocity measurements
IV Burkov
Systems & control letters 25 (3), 205-209, 1995
Asymptotic stabilization of desired rotation in multidimensional Hamiltonian systems by Chetaev method
IV Burkov
The Fourth International Workshop on Multidimensional Systems, 2005. NDS …, 2005
Stabilization of the program position of elastic robot via control with saturation
IV Burkov, LB Freidovich
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 29 (8), 103-108, 1996
Asymptotic stabilization of a specificied position and of a permanent rotation of a rigid body with and without measuring its velocities
IV Burkov
Journal of computer & system sciences international 33 (2), 69-76, 1995
Robust stabilization of manipulators via control with slight integral feedback
IV Burkov, AA Pervozvanski, L Freidovich
Mechanics of Solids 34 (3), 13-20, 1998
Stabilization of the programmed path of a robot with absolutely rigid and elastic links
IV Burkov
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Izvestiya, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, 33-41, 1995
Dynamics of a three-dimensional flexible manipulator with distributed parameters(Dinamika prostranstvennogo uprugogo manipuliatora s raspredelennymi parametrami)
IV Burkov, AT Zaremba
Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Izvestiia, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, 43-52, 1988
Asymptotic stabilization of the desired uniform rotation by linear and nonlinear feedback
IV Burkov
2015 International Conference" Stability and Control Processes" in Memory of …, 2015
Discussion on:``Robustness of PID-controlled manipulators vis-a-vis actuator dynamics and external disturbances''
L Freidovich, I Burkov
European Journal of Control 13 (6), 755-759, 2007
Robust positioning of a manipulator with weak integral feedback
IV Burkov, AA Pervozvanskii, LB Freidovich
Mechanics of solids 34 (3), 13-20, 1999
Bounded adaptive stabilization
IV Burkov
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40 (13), 104-108, 2007
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Articles 1–20