Toward a halo mass function for precision cosmology: The Limits of universality J Tinker, AV Kravtsov, A Klypin, K Abazajian, M Warren, G Yepes, ... The Astrophysical Journal 688 (2), 709, 2008 | 2321 | 2008 |
The large-scale bias of dark matter halos: Numerical calibration and model tests JL Tinker, BE Robertson, AV Kravtsov, A Klypin, MS Warren, G Yepes, ... The Astrophysical Journal 724 (2), 878, 2010 | 1173 | 2010 |
The dark side of the halo occupation distribution AV Kravtsov, AA Berlind, RH Wechsler, AA Klypin, S Gottlöber, B Allgood, ... The Astrophysical Journal 609 (1), 35, 2004 | 1089 | 2004 |
MultiDark simulations: the story of dark matter halo concentrations and density profiles A Klypin, G Yepes, S Gottlöber, F Prada, S Hess Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457 (4), 4340-4359, 2016 | 1086 | 2016 |
Galaxies in N-body simulations: overcoming the overmerging problem A Klypin, S Gottlöber, AV Kravtsov, AM Khokhlov The Astrophysical Journal 516 (2), 530, 1999 | 658 | 1999 |
4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call for Proposals RS De Jong, O Agertz, AA Berbel, J Aird, DA Alexander, A Amarsi, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.02464, 2019 | 598 | 2019 |
Haloes gone MAD: the halo-finder comparison project A Knebe, SR Knollmann, SI Muldrew, FR Pearce, MA Aragon-Calvo, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 415 (3), 2293-2318, 2011 | 524 | 2011 |
Tracing the cosmic web NI Libeskind, R Van De Weygaert, M Cautun, B Falck, E Tempel, T Abel, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473 (1), 1195-1217, 2018 | 355 | 2018 |
Dwarf galaxies in voids: suppressing star formation with photoheating M Hoeft, G Yepes, S Gottlöber, V Springel Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 371 (1), 401-414, 2006 | 351 | 2006 |
A dynamical classification of the cosmic web JE Forero–Romero, Y Hoffman, S Gottlöber, A Klypin, G Yepes Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 396 (3), 1815-1824, 2009 | 334 | 2009 |
A 120-Mpc periodicity in the three-dimensional distribution of galaxy superclusters J Einasto, M Einasto, S Gottlöber, V Müller, V Saar, AA Starobinsky, ... Nature 385 (6612), 139-141, 1997 | 297 | 1997 |
The Aspen–Amsterdam void finder comparison project JM Colberg, F Pearce, C Foster, E Platen, R Brunino, M Neyrinck, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 387 (2), 933-944, 2008 | 277 | 2008 |
The Three Hundred project: a large catalogue of theoretically modelled galaxy clusters for cosmological and astrophysical applications W Cui, A Knebe, G Yepes, F Pearce, C Power, R Dave, A Arth, S Borgani, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480 (3), 2898-2915, 2018 | 256 | 2018 |
Cosmic Dawn (CoDa): the first radiation-hydrodynamics simulation of reionization and galaxy formation in the Local Universe P Ocvirk, N Gillet, PR Shapiro, D Aubert, IT Iliev, R Teyssier, G Yepes, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463 (2), 1462-1485, 2016 | 256 | 2016 |
The redshift evolution of Λ cold dark matter halo parameters: concentration, spin and shape JC Muńoz-Cuartas, AV Macciň, S Gottlöber, AA Dutton Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 411 (1), 584-594, 2011 | 245 | 2011 |
The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: modelling the clustering and halo occupation distribution of BOSS CMASS galaxies in the … SA Rodríguez-Torres, CH Chuang, F Prada, H Guo, A Klypin, P Behroozi, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460 (2), 1173-1187, 2016 | 243 | 2016 |
Structure finding in cosmological simulations: the state of affairs A Knebe, FR Pearce, H Lux, Y Ascasibar, P Behroozi, J Casado, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 435 (2), 1618-1658, 2013 | 237 | 2013 |
The MultiDark database: release of the Bolshoi and MultiDark cosmological simulations K Riebe, AM Partl, H Enke, J Forero‐Romero, S Gottlöber, A Klypin, ... Astronomische Nachrichten 334 (7), 691-708, 2013 | 236 | 2013 |
The structure of voids S Gottlöber, EL Łokas, A Klypin, Y Hoffman Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 344 (3), 715-724, 2003 | 235 | 2003 |
Merging history as a function of halo environment S Gottlöber, A Klypin, AV Kravtsov The Astrophysical Journal 546 (1), 223, 2001 | 235 | 2001 |