Natalia Yantara
Natalia Yantara
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Cited by
Low-temperature solution-processed wavelength-tunable perovskites for lasing
G Xing, N Mathews, SS Lim, N Yantara, X Liu, D Sabba, M Grätzel, ...
Nature materials 13 (5), 476-480, 2014
Perovskite materials for light‐emitting diodes and lasers
SA Veldhuis, PP Boix, N Yantara, M Li, TC Sum, N Mathews, ...
Advanced materials 28 (32), 6804-6834, 2016
High Efficiency Solid-State Sensitized Solar Cell-Based on Submicrometer Rutile TiO2 Nanorod and CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Sensitizer
HS Kim, JW Lee, N Yantara, PP Boix, SA Kulkarni, S Mhaisalkar, ...
Nano letters 13 (6), 2412-2417, 2013
Flexible, low-temperature, solution processed ZnO-based perovskite solid state solar cells
MH Kumar, N Yantara, S Dharani, M Graetzel, S Mhaisalkar, PP Boix, ...
Chemical Communications 49 (94), 11089-11091, 2013
Band-gap tuning of lead halide perovskites using a sequential deposition process
SA Kulkarni, T Baikie, PP Boix, N Yantara, N Mathews, S Mhaisalkar
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (24), 9221-9225, 2014
Formamidinium tin-based perovskite with low E g for photovoltaic applications
TM Koh, T Krishnamoorthy, N Yantara, C Shi, WL Leong, PP Boix, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (29), 14996-15000, 2015
Inorganic halide perovskites for efficient light-emitting diodes
N Yantara, S Bhaumik, F Yan, D Sabba, HA Dewi, N Mathews, PP Boix, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (21), 4360-4364, 2015
Slow cooling and highly efficient extraction of hot carriers in colloidal perovskite nanocrystals
M Li, S Bhaumik, TW Goh, MS Kumar, N Yantara, M Grätzel, S Mhaisalkar, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14350, 2017
Charge accumulation and hysteresis in perovskite‐based solar cells: An electro‐optical analysis
B Wu, K Fu, N Yantara, G Xing, S Sun, TC Sum, N Mathews
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (19), 1500829, 2015
High efficiency electrospun TiO 2 nanofiber based hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite solar cell
S Dharani, HK Mulmudi, N Yantara, PTT Trang, NG Park, M Graetzel, ...
Nanoscale 6 (3), 1675-1679, 2014
Interfacial Electron Transfer Barrier at Compact TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3 Heterojunction
G Xing, B Wu, S Chen, J Chua, N Yantara, S Mhaisalkar, N Mathews, ...
Small 11 (29), 3606-3613, 2015
Ionotronic halide perovskite drift‐diffusive synapses for low‐power neuromorphic computation
RA John, N Yantara, YF Ng, G Narasimman, E Mosconi, D Meggiolaro, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (51), 1805454, 2018
Self-assembled hierarchical nanostructured perovskites enable highly efficient LEDs via an energy cascade
XY Chin, A Perumal, A Bruno, N Yantara, SA Veldhuis, L Martínez-Sarti, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (7), 1770-1778, 2018
Enhanced exciton and photon confinement in Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite microplatelets for highly stable low‐threshold polarized lasing
M Li, Q Wei, SK Muduli, N Yantara, Q Xu, N Mathews, SG Mhaisalkar, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (23), 1707235, 2018
Diffusive and drift halide perovskite memristive barristors as nociceptive and synaptic emulators for neuromorphic computing
RA John, N Yantara, SE Ng, MIB Patdillah, MR Kulkarni, NF Jamaludin, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (15), 2007851, 2021
Unravelling the Effects of Cl Addition in Single Step CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells
N Yantara, F Yanan, C Shi, HA Dewi, PP Boix, SG Mhaisalkar, N Mathews
Chemistry of Materials 27 (7), 2309-2314, 2015
Designing Efficient Energy Funneling Kinetics in Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskites for High‐Performance Light‐Emitting Diodes
N Yantara, A Bruno, A Iqbal, NF Jamaludin, C Soci, S Mhaisalkar, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (33), 1800818, 2018
Highly efficient Cs-based perovskite light-emitting diodes enabled by energy funnelling
YF Ng, SA Kulkarni, S Parida, NF Jamaludin, N Yantara, A Bruno, C Soci, ...
Chemical Communications 53 (88), 12004-12007, 2017
Designing the perovskite structural landscape for efficient blue emission
N Yantara, NF Jamaludin, B Febriansyah, D Giovanni, A Bruno, C Soci, ...
ACS Energy Letters 5 (5), 1593-1600, 2020
Zinc Tin Oxide (ZTO) electron transporting buffer layer in inverted organic solar cell
TZ Oo, RD Chandra, N Yantara, RR Prabhakar, LH Wong, N Mathews, ...
Organic Electronics 13 (5), 870-874, 2012
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Articles 1–20