naoki konishi
Cited by
Cited by
Experiential purchases and prosocial spending promote happiness by enhancing social relationships
M Yamaguchi, A Masuchi, D Nakanishi, S Suga, N Konishi, YY Yu, ...
The Journal of Positive Psychology 11 (5), 480-488, 2016
Perceived shared condemnation intensifies punitive moral emotions
N Konishi, T Oe, H Shimizu, K Tanaka, Y Ohtsubo
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 7289, 2017
Does dishonesty really invite third-party punishment? Results of a more stringent test
N Konishi, Y Ohtsubo
Biology Letters 11 (5), 20150172, 2015
Associations between motorized transport access, out-of-home activities, and life-space mobility in older adults in Japan
Y Tran, N Hashimoto, T Ando, T Sato, N Konishi, Y Takeda, M Akamatsu
BMC public health 22 (1), 676, 2022
Heart rate reveals the difference between disgust and anger in the domain of morality.
N Konishi, T Himichi, Y Ohtsubo
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 14 (3), 284, 2020
The indirect effect of travel mode use on subjective well-being through out-of-home activities
Y Tran, N Hashimoto, T Ando, T Sato, N Konishi, Y Takeda, M Akamatsu
Transportation, 1-33, 2023
Variability in human mobility during the third wave of COVID-19 in Japan
T Ando, T Sato, N Hashimoto, Y Tran, N Konishi, Y Takeda, M Akamatsu
Sustainability 13 (23), 13131, 2021
大坪庸介, 小西直喜
感情心理学研究 22 (3), 141-146, 2015
Passenger's Preference on Internal Interface Design in Automated Buses: A Survey
Y Wu, N Konishi, K Kihara, M Kimura, Y Takeda, N Hashimoto
Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2023
Association between Intentional Behavioral Changes and Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
N Konishi, M Kimura, Y Takeda
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1201770, 2023
Prosociality predicts changes in leisure activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Konishi, M Kimura, Y Takeda
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1320885, 2024
Effect of perfectionism on self-other blame in driving situations
D Choi, Y Takeda, M Akamatsu, M Kimura, N Konishi, T Ando, T Sato
Personality and Individual Differences 217, 112462, 2024
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