Paul Kouwer
Paul Kouwer
Associate Professor Radboud University Nijmegen
確認したメール アドレス: science.ru.nl
Responsive biomimetic networks from polyisocyanopeptide hydrogels
PHJ Kouwer, M Koepf, VAA Le Sage, M Jaspers, AM Van Buul, ...
Nature 493 (7434), 651-655, 2013
Ultra-responsive soft matter from strain-stiffening hydrogels
M Jaspers, M Dennison, MFJ Mabesoone, FC MacKintosh, AE Rowan, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5808, 2014
Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of rigid-core ionic liquid crystals
PHJ Kouwer, TM Swager
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (45), 14042-14052, 2007
Triazole: a unique building block for the construction of functional materials
M Juríček, PHJ Kouwer, AE Rowan
Chemical communications 47 (31), 8740-8749, 2011
Tuning hydrogel mechanics using the hofmeister effect
M Jaspers, AE Rowan, PHJ Kouwer
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (41), 6503-6510, 2015
The living interface between synthetic biology and biomaterial design
AP Liu, EA Appel, PD Ashby, BM Baker, E Franco, L Gu, K Haynes, ...
Nature Materials 21 (4), 390-397, 2022
Self‐Assembled Organic Microfibers for Nonlinear Optics
J Xu, S Semin, D Niedzialek, PHJ Kouwer, E Fron, E Coutino, M Savoini, ...
Advanced Materials 25 (14), 2084-2089, 2013
A novel modular approach to triazole-functionalized phthalocyanines using click chemistry
M Juricek, PHJ Kouwer, J Rehák, J Sly, AE Rowan
The Journal of organic chemistry 74 (1), 21-25, 2009
Crosslinking of fibrous hydrogels
DC Schoenmakers, AE Rowan, PHJ Kouwer
Nature communications 9 (1), 2172, 2018
Thermosensitive biomimetic polyisocyanopeptide hydrogels may facilitate wound repair
RC op‘t Veld, OI van den Boomen, DMS Lundvig, EM Bronkhorst, ...
Biomaterials 181, 392-401, 2018
Dynamics of molecular self-ordering in tetraphenyl porphyrin monolayers on metallic substrates
J Brede, M Linares, S Kuck, J Schwöbel, A Scarfato, SH Chang, ...
Nanotechnology 20 (27), 275602, 2009
Cytoskeletal stiffening in synthetic hydrogels
P de Almeida, M Jaspers, S Vaessen, O Tagit, G Portale, AE Rowan, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 609, 2019
Key developments in ionic liquid crystals
A Alvarez Fernandez, PHJ Kouwer
International journal of molecular sciences 17 (5), 731, 2016
Columnar mesophases from half-discoid platinum cyclometalated metallomesogens
K Venkatesan, PHJ Kouwer, S Yagi, P Müller, TM Swager
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (4), 400-407, 2008
Full miscibility of disk-and rod-shaped mesogens in the nematic phase
PHJ Kouwer, GH Mehl
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (37), 11172-11173, 2003
Synthetic Extracellular Matrices with Nonlinear Elasticity Regulate Cellular Organization
K Liu, S Mihaila, A Rowan, E Oosterwijk, P Kouwer
Biomacromolecules 20 (2), 826-834, 2019
Nonlinear mechanics of hybrid polymer networks that mimic the complex mechanical environment of cells
M Jaspers, SL Vaessen, P van Schayik, D Voerman, AE Rowan, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15478, 2017
Dynamics of a triphenylene discotic molecule, HAT6, in the columnar and isotropic liquid phases
FM Mulder, J Stride, SJ Picken, PHJ Kouwer, MP de Haas, LDA Siebbeles, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (13), 3860-3866, 2003
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory thermo-reversible hydrogel for periodontal delivery
B Wang, HE Booij-Vrieling, EM Bronkhorst, J Shao, PHJ Kouwer, ...
Acta biomaterialia 116, 259-267, 2020
Liquid crystal templating as an approach to spatially and temporally organise soft matter
P Van der Asdonk, PHJ Kouwer
Chemical Society Reviews 46 (19), 5935-5949, 2017
論文 1–20