La Jeunesse
La Jeunesse
Lab CNRS 7324 Citeres of the University of Tours
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Cited by
Sensitivity of the SWAT model to the soil and land use data parametrisation: a case study in the Thyle catchment, Belgium
MRILJ Romanowicz A.A., M. Vanclooster
Ecological modelling 187 (1), 27-39, 2005
High frequency monitoring of pesticides in runoff water to improve understanding of their transport and environmental impacts
M Lefrancq, A Jadas-Hécart, I La Jeunesse, D Landry, S Payraudeau
Science of the Total Environment 587, 75-86, 2017
Quantifying hydrological responses of small Mediterranean catchments under climate change projections
H Sellami, S Benabdallah, I La Jeunesse, M Vanclooster
Science of the Total Environment 543, 924-936, 2016
Estimation of soil parameters over bare agriculture areas from C-band polarimetric SAR data using neural networks
N Baghdadi, R Cresson, M El Hajj, R Ludwig, I La Jeunesse
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (6), 1607-1621, 2012
Modelling water discharges and nitrogen inputs into a Mediterranean lagoon: Impact on the primary production
M Plus, I La Jeunesse, F Bouraoui, JM Zaldívar, A Chapelle, P Lazure
Ecological Modelling 193 (1-2), 69-89, 2006
Modelling climate change impacts on and adaptation strategies for agriculture in Sardinia and Tunisia using AquaCrop and value-at-risk
DN Bird, S Benabdallah, N Gouda, F Hummel, J Koeberl, I La Jeunesse, ...
Science of the total environment 543, 1019-1027, 2016
Vineyards in transition: A global assessment of the adaptation needs of grape producing regions under climate change
D Santillán, A Iglesias, I La Jeunesse, L Garrote, V Sotes
Science of the Total Environment 657, 839-852, 2019
Uncertainty analysis in model parameters regionalization: a case study involving the SWAT model in Mediterranean catchments (Southern France)
H Sellami, I La Jeunesse, S Benabdallah, N Baghdadi, M Vanclooster
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (6), 2393-2413, 2014
Is climate change a threat for water uses in the Mediterranean region? Results from a survey at local scale
I La Jeunesse, C Cirelli, D Aubin, C Larrue, H Sellami, S Afifi, A Bellin, ...
Science of the Total Environment 543, 981-996, 2016
Interdisciplinary assessment of sea-level rise and climate change impacts on the lower Nile delta, Egypt
J Sušnik, LS Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, N Baumert, J Kloos, FG Renaud, ...
Science of the Total Environment 503, 279-288, 2015
Topographic wetness index predicts the occurrence of bird species in floodplains
AG Besnard, I La Jeunesse, O Pays, J Secondi
Diversity and Distributions 19 (8), 955-963, 2013
Delivering a decision support system tool to a river contract: a way to implement the participatory approach principle at the catchment scale?
I La Jeunesse, M Rounsevell, M Vanclooster
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 28 (12-13), 547-554, 2003
Parameter and rating curve uncertainty propagation analysis of the SWAT model for two small Mediterranean catchments
H Sellami, I La Jeunesse, S Benabdallah, M Vanclooster
Hydrological sciences journal 58 (8), 1635-1657, 2013
Climate models and hydrological parameter uncertainties in climate change impacts on monthly runoff and daily flow duration curve of a Mediterranean catchment
H Sellami, S Benabdallah, I La Jeunesse, M Vanclooster
Hydrological sciences journal 61 (8), 1415-1429, 2016
Climateinduced changes on the hydrology of Mediterranean basins–A research concept to reduce uncertainty and quantify risk
R Ludwig, A Soddu, R Duttmann, N Baghdadi, S Benabdallah, R Deidda, ...
Fresenius Environ. Bull 19 (10A), 2379-2384, 2010
Anthropogenic regulation of the phosphorus balance in the Thau catchment–coastal lagoon system (Mediterraean Sea, France) over 24 years
I La Jeunesse, M Elliott
Marine Pollution Bulletin 48 (7-8), 679-687, 2004
Is the governance of the Thau coastal lagoon ready to face climate change impacts?
I La Jeunesse, C Cirelli, H Sellami, D Aubin, R Deidda, N Baghdadi
Ocean & Coastal Management 118, 234-246, 2015
Simulation of future groundwater recharge using a climate model ensemble and SAR-image based soil parameter distributions—A case study in an intensively-used Mediterranean …
F Herrmann, N Baghdadi, M Blaschek, R Deidda, R Duttmann, ...
Science of the total environment 543, 889-905, 2016
Etude intégrée dynamique du phosphore dans le système bassin versant-lagune de Thau
I La Jeunesse
Université d'Orléans, 2001
The adaptive capacity of local water basin authorities to climate change: The Thau lagoon basin in France
D Aubin, C Riche, VV Water, I La Jeunesse
Science of the Total Environment 651, 2013-2023, 2019
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Articles 1–20