Paolo Falco
Evaluating COVID-19 public health messaging in Italy: Self-reported compliance and growing mental health concerns
S Barari, S Caria, A Davola, P Falco, T Fetzer, S Fiorin, L Hensel, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.03. 27.20042820, 2020
Anonymity or distance? Job search and labour market exclusion in a growing African city
G Abebe, AS Caria, M Fafchamps, P Falco, S Franklin, S Quinn
The Review of Economic Studies 88 (3), 1279-1310, 2021
Entrepreneurship versus joblessness: Explaining the rise in self-employment
P Falco, L Haywood
Journal of Development Economics 118, 245-265, 2016
The returns to formality and informality in urban Africa
P Falco, A Kerr, N Rankin, J Sandefur, F Teal
Labour Economics 18, S23-S31, 2011
Heterogeneity in subjective wellbeing: An application to occupational allocation in Africa
P Falco, WF Maloney, B Rijkers, M Sarrias
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2015
Job Fairs: Matching Firms and Workers in a Field Experiment in Ethiopia
G Abebe, S Caria, M Fafchamps, P Falco
Matching frictions and distorted beliefs: Evidence from a job fair experiment
G Abebe, SA Caria, M Fafchamps, P Falco, S Franklin, S Quinn, FJ Shilpi
working paper, 2023
Labor Market Concentration, Wages and Job Security in Europe
A Bassanini, G Bovini, E Caroli, JC Ferrando, F Cingano, P Falco, ...
Journal of Human Resources, 2024
Does risk matter for occupational choices? Experimental evidence from an African labour market
P Falco
Labour Economics 28, 96-109, 2014
Promoting social distancing in a pandemic: Beyond the good intentions
P Falco, S Zaccagni
Available at SSRN 3696804, 2020
When the Stadium Goes Silent: How Crowds Affect the Performance of Discriminated Groups
M Caselli, P Falco, G Mattera
Journal of Labor Economics, 2022
The path towards herd immunity: Predicting COVID-19 vaccination uptake through results from a stated choice study across six continents
S Hess, E Lancsar, P Mariel, J Meyerhoff, F Song, ...
Social science & medicine 298, 114800, 2022
Promoting social distancing in a pandemic: Beyond good intentions
P Falco, S Zaccagni
PloS one 16 (12), e0260457, 2021
Skeptical Employers: Experimental Evidence on Biased Beliefs Constraining Firm Growth
SA Caria, P Falco
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-45, 2022
Working toward better pay: Earnings dynamics in Ghana and Tanzania
P Falco, A Kerr, P Paci, B Rijkers
World Bank Publications, 2014
Does the risk of poverty reduce happiness?
SA Caria, P Falco
Economic Development and Cultural Change 67 (1), 1-28, 2018
Structural adjustment, mass lay-offs and employment reallocation
F Silva, C Menon, P Falco, D MacDonald
OECD, 2019
The material basis of cooperation: how scarcity reduces trusting behaviour
G Agneman, P Falco, E Joel, O Selejio
The Economic Journal 133 (652), 1265-1285, 2023
Anonymity or Distance? Experimental Evidence on Obstacles to Youth Employment Opportunities
G Abebe, S Caria, M Fafchamps, P Falco, S Franklin, S Quinn
Stanford University. Processed, 2016
Your vote is (no) secret! How low voter density hurts anonymity and biases elections in Italy
M Caselli, P Falco
European Journal of Political Economy 75, 102191, 2022
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