Muhammad Haris Mahyuddin
Muhammad Haris Mahyuddin
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Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol by Metal-Exchanged ZSM-5 Zeolite (Metal = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu)
MH Mahyuddin, A Staykov, Y Shiota, K Yoshizawa
ACS Catalysis 6 (12), 8321-8331, 2016
Methane Selective Oxidation to Methanol by Metal-Exchanged Zeolites: A Review of Active Sites and Their Reactivity
MH Mahyuddin, Y Shiota, K Yoshizawa
Catalysis Science & Technology 9 (8), 1744-1768, 2019
Roles of Zeolite Confinement and Cu–O–Cu Angle on the Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol by [Cu2(ƒÊ-O)]2+-Exchanged AEI, CHA, AFX, and MFI Zeolites
MH Mahyuddin, A Staykov, Y Shiota, M Miyanishi, K Yoshizawa
ACS Catalysis 7 (6), 3741–3751, 2017
Methane Partial Oxidation over [Cu2(ƒÊ-O)]2+ and [Cu3(ƒÊ-O)3]2+ Active Species in Large-Pore Zeolites
MH Mahyuddin, T Tanaka, Y Shiota, A Staykov, K Yoshizawa
ACS Catalysis 8 (2), 1500-1509, 2018
Theoretical Overview of Methane Hydroxylation by Copper–Oxygen Species in Enzymatic and Zeolitic Catalysts
MH Mahyuddin, Y Shiota, A Staykov, K Yoshizawa
Accounts of Chemical Research 51 (10), 2382-2390, 2018
Methane Activation at the Metal-Support Interface of Ni4-CeO2(111) Catalyst: A Theoretical Study
RK Singha, Y Tsuji, MH Mahyuddin, K Yoshizawa
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (15), 9788-9798, 2019
Dioxygen Activation on Cu-MOR Zeolite: Theoretical Insights into the Formation of Cu2O and Cu3O3 Active Species
MH Mahyuddin, T Tanaka, A Staykov, Y Shiota, K Yoshizawa
Inorganic Chemistry 57 (16), 10146-10152, 2018
Small-pore zeolite and zeotype membranes for CO2 capture and sequestration–A review
W Rahmah, GTM Kadja, MH Mahyuddin, AG Saputro, HK Dipojono, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (6), 108707, 2022
Theoretical Investigation of Methane Hydroxylation over Isoelectronic [FeO]2+-and [MnO]+-Exchanged Zeolites Activated by N2O
MH Mahyuddin, Y Shiota, A Staykov, K Yoshizawa
Inorganic Chemistry 56 (17), 10370–10380, 2017
Solvent-free, small organic lactam-assisted synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolites
GTM Kadja, MD Rukmana, RR Mukti, MH Mahyuddin, AG Saputro, ...
Materials Letters 290, 129501, 2021
DFT Exploration of Active Site Motifs in Methane Hydroxylation by Ni-ZSM-5 Zeolite
MH Mahyuddin, K Yoshizawa
Catalysis Science & Technology 8 (22), 5875-5885, 2018
Novel Mechanistic Insights into Methane Activation over Fe and Cu Active Sites in Zeolites: A Comparative DFT Study Using Meta-GGA Functionals
MH Mahyuddin, A Staykov, AG Saputro, MK Agusta, HK Dipojono, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (33), 18112–18125, 2020
Room-temperature activation of methane and direct formations of acetic acid and methanol on Zn-ZSM-5 zeolite: A mechanistic DFT study
MH Mahyuddin, S Tanaka, Y Shiota, K Yoshizawa
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 93 (3), 345-354, 2020
Accelerated, Mesoporogen-Free Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanorod ZSM-48 Assisted by Hydroxyl Radicals
GTM Kadja, NJ Azhari, S Mardiana, M Khalil, Subagjo, MH Mahyuddin
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60 (48), 17786–17791, 2021
BA 2 XBr 4 (X= Pb, Cu, Sn): from lead to lead-free halide perovskite scintillators
LJ Diguna, L Jonathan, MH Mahyuddin, F Maddalena, I Mulyani, D Onggo, ...
Materials Advances 3 (12), 5087-5095, 2022
Lattice Expansion in Rb-Doped Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Perovskite Crystals Resulting in Smaller Band-Gap and Higher Light-Yield Scintillators
F Maddalena, MH Mahyuddin, D Kowal, ME Witkowski, M Makowski, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 62 (23), 8892–8902, 2023
Density functional and microkinetic study of CO2 hydrogenation to methanol on subnanometer Pd cluster doped by transition metal (M= Cu, Ni, Pt, Rh)
AG Saputro, AL Maulana, F Fathurrahman, G Shukri, MH Mahyuddin, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (27), 14418-14428, 2021
Effects of alkali adatoms on CO and H2S adsorptions on the Fe(100) surface: a density functional theory study
MH Mahyuddin, RV Belosludov, M Khazaei, H Mizuseki, Y Kawazoe
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (48), 23893-23901, 2011
PEA2PbI4: fast two-dimensional lead iodide perovskite scintillator with green and red emission
D Kowal, M Makowski, ME Witkowski, R Calà, MAK Sheikh, ...
Materials Today Chemistry 29, 101455, 2023
Two-Electron Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 on B-Doped Ni–N–C Catalysts: A First-Principles Study
AL Maulana, AG Saputro, Y Prasetyo, MH Mahyuddin, M Iqbal, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (35), 19247-19258, 2021
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