Cited by
Cited by
Complete wavefront reconstruction using sequential intensity measurements of a volume speckle field
P Almoro, G Pedrini, W Osten
Applied optics 45 (34), 8596-8605, 2006
Wavefront sensing with random amplitude mask and phase retrieval
A Anand, G Pedrini, W Osten, P Almoro
Optics letters 32 (11), 1584-1586, 2007
Random phase plate for wavefront sensing via phase retrieval and a volume speckle field
PF Almoro, SG Hanson
Applied optics 47 (16), 2979-2987, 2008
Fast-convergent algorithm for speckle-based phase retrieval and a design for dynamic wavefront sensing
PF Almoro, AMS Maallo, SG Hanson
Applied optics 48 (8), 1485-1493, 2009
Numerical correction of aberrations via phase retrieval with speckle illumination
PF Almoro, PN Gundu, SG Hanson
Optics letters 34 (4), 521-523, 2009
Phase microscopy of technical and biological samples through random phase modulation with a diffuser
PF Almoro, G Pedrini, PN Gundu, W Osten, SG Hanson
Optics letters 35 (7), 1028-1030, 2010
Enhanced deterministic phase retrieval using a partially developed speckle field
PF Almoro, L Waller, M Agour, C Falldorf, G Pedrini, W Osten, SG Hanson
Optics letters 37 (11), 2088-2090, 2012
Colored object recognition by digital holography and a hydrogen Raman shifter
P Almoro, W Garcia, C Saloma
Optics Express 15 (12), 7176-7181, 2007
Investigation of smooth wave fronts using SLM-based phase retrieval and a phase diffuser
M Agour, PF Almoro, C Falldorf
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.1628, 2012
Enhanced wavefront reconstruction by random phase modulation with a phase diffuser
PF Almoro, G Pedrini, PN Gundu, W Osten, SG Hanson
Optics and lasers in engineering 49 (2), 252-257, 2011
Single-plane multiple speckle pattern phase retrieval using a deformable mirror
PF Almoro, J Glückstad, SG Hanson
Optics Express 18 (18), 19304-19313, 2010
Aperture synthesis in phase retrieval using a volume-speckle field
P Almoro, G Pedrini, W Osten
Optics letters 32 (7), 733-735, 2007
Object wave reconstruction by speckle illumination and phase retrieval
PF Almoro, SG Hanson
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 4, 2009
Accelerated single-beam multiple-intensity reconstruction using unordered propagations
JF Binamira, PF Almoro
Optics Letters 44 (12), 3130-3133, 2019
Quantization analysis of speckle intensity measurements for phase retrieval
AMS Maallo, PF Almoro, SG Hanson
Applied optics 49 (27), 5087-5094, 2010
Angular displacement and deformation analyses using a speckle-based wavefront sensor
PF Almoro, G Pedrini, A Anand, W Osten, SG Hanson
Applied optics 48 (5), 932-940, 2009
Enhanced intensity variation for multiple-plane phase retrieval using a spatial light modulator as a convenient tunable diffuser
PF Almoro, QD Pham, DI Serrano-Garcia, S Hasegawa, Y Hayasaki, ...
Optics letters 41 (10), 2161-2164, 2016
Numerical correction of optical vortex using a wrapped phase map analysis algorithm
AMS Maallo, PF Almoro
Optics letters 36 (7), 1251-1253, 2011
Wavefront sensing using speckles with fringe compensation
PF Almoro, SG Hanson
Optics Express 16 (11), 7608-7618, 2008
Interferometric evaluation of angular displacements using phase retrieval
PF Almoro, G Pedrini, A Anand, W Osten, SG Hanson
Optics letters 33 (18), 2041-2043, 2008
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Articles 1–20