Haizhong Wang
Haizhong Wang
Professor, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University
確認したメール アドレス: oregonstate.edu
An agent-based model of a multimodal near-field tsunami evacuation: Decision-making and life safety
H Wang, A Mostafizi, LA Cramer, D Cox, H Park
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2016
Logistic modeling of the equilibrium speed–density relationship
H Wang, J Li, QY Chen, D Ni
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 45 (6), 554-566, 2011
Multi-depot green vehicle routing problem with shared transportation resource: Integration of time-dependent speed and piecewise penalty cost
Y Wang, K Assogba, J Fan, M Xu, Y Liu, H Wang
Journal of Cleaner Production 232, 12-29, 2019
Collaborative two-echelon multicenter vehicle routing optimization based on state–space–time network representation
Y Wang, Y Yuan, X Guan, M Xu, L Wang, H Wang, Y Liu
Journal of Cleaner Production 258, 120590, 2020
A novel work zone short-term vehicle-type specific traffic speed prediction model through the hybrid EMD–ARIMA framework
H Wang, L Liu, S Dong, Z Qian, H Wei
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 4 (3), 159-186, 2016
Stochastic modeling of the equilibrium speed–density relationship
H Wang, D Ni, QY Chen, J Li
Journal of advanced transportation 47 (1), 126-150, 2013
Modeling heterogeneous traffic flow: A pragmatic approach
ZS Qian, J Li, X Li, M Zhang, H Wang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 99, 183-204, 2017
Fuzzy sets to describe driver behavior in the dilemma zone of high-speed signalized intersections
DS Hurwitz, H Wang, MA Knodler Jr, D Ni, D Moore
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 15 (2), 132-143, 2012
Agent-based tsunami evacuation modeling of unplanned network disruptions for evidence-driven resource allocation and retrofitting strategies
A Mostafizi, H Wang, D Cox, LA Cramer, S Dong
Natural Hazards 88, 1347-1372, 2017
An agent-based vertical evacuation model for a near-field tsunami: Choice behavior, logical shelter locations, and life safety
A Mostafizi, H Wang, D Cox, S Dong
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 34, 467-479, 2019
Success of Social Media Marketing Efforts in Retaining Sustainable Online Consumers: An Empirical Analysis on the Online Fashion Retail Market
Y Wang, S Chowdhury Ahmed, S Deng, H Wang
Sustainability 11 (13), 3596, 2019
Collaborative multi-depot logistics network design with time window assignment
Y Wang, S Zhang, X Guan, S Peng, H Wang, Y Liu, M Xu
Expert Systems with Applications 140, 112910, 2020
Analysis of LWR model with fundamental diagram subject to uncertainties
J Li, QY Chen, H Wang, D Ni
Transportmetrica 8 (6), 387-405, 2012
Trajectory reconstruction for travel time estimation
D Ni, H Wang
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (3), 113-125, 2008
How bicycle level of traffic stress correlate with reported cyclist accidents injury severities: a geospatial and mixed logit analysis
C Chen, JC Anderson, H Wang, Y Wang, R Vogt, S Hernandez
Accident Analysis & Prevention 108, 234-244, 2017
Household risk perceptions and evacuation intentions in earthquake and tsunami in a Cascadia Subduction Zone
A Buylova, C Chen, LA Cramer, H Wang, DT Cox
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 44, 101442, 2020
A Variational Autoencoder Based Generative Model of Urban Human Mobility
D Huang, X Song, Z Fan, R Jiang, R Shibasaki, Y Zhang, H Wang, Y Kato
2019 IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval …, 2019
Speed-density relationship: From deterministic to stochastic
H Wang, J Li, Q Chen, D Ni
Transportation Research Board 88th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2009
Two-echelon collaborative multi-depot multi-period vehicle routing problem
Y Wang, Q Li, X Guan, M Xu, Y Liu, H Wang
Expert Systems with Applications 167, 114201, 2021
Measuring the topological robustness of transportation networks to disaster-induced failures: A percolation approach
S Dong, A Mostafizi, H Wang, J Gao, X Li
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 26 (2), 04020009, 2020
論文 1–20