Jasmine PH Richter (née Rivett)
Jasmine PH Richter (née Rivett)
LiDAR perception developer, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
確認したメール アドレス: cam.ac.uk
High-performance light-emitting diodes based on carbene-metal-amides
D Di, AS Romanov, L Yang, JM Richter, JPH Rivett, S Jones, TH Thomas, ...
Science 356 (6334), 159-163, 2017
Enhancing photoluminescence yields in lead halide perovskites by photon recycling and light out-coupling
JM Richter, M Abdi-Jalebi, A Sadhanala, M Tabachnyk, JPH Rivett, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13941, 2016
Solution-processed perovskite light emitting diodes with efficiency exceeding 15% through additive-controlled nanostructure tailoring
M Ban, Y Zou, JPH Rivett, Y Yang, TH Thomas, Y Tan, T Song, X Gao, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3892, 2018
Photodoping through local charge carrier accumulation in alloyed hybrid perovskites for highly efficient luminescence
S Feldmann, S Macpherson, SP Senanayak, M Abdi-Jalebi, JPH Rivett, ...
Nature Photonics 14 (2), 123-128, 2020
Extending the compositional space of mixed lead halide perovskites by Cs, Rb, K, and Na doping
TJ Jacobsson, S Svanstrom, V Andrei, JPH Rivett, N Kornienko, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (25), 13548-13557, 2018
Long-lived polarization memory in the electronic states of lead-halide perovskites from local structural dynamics
JPH Rivett, LZ Tan, MB Price, SA Bourelle, NJLK Davis, J Xiao, Y Zou, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3531, 2018
Direct Bandgap Behavior in Rashba‐Type Metal Halide Perovskites
JM Richter, K Chen, A Sadhanala, J Butkus, JPH Rivett, RH Friend, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (52), 1803379, 2018
Adsorbate-induced curvature and stiffening of graphene
SA Svatek, OR Scott, JPH Rivett, K Wright, M Baldoni, E Bichoutskaia, ...
Nano letters 15 (1), 159-164, 2015
Reactive dynamics in confined liquids: interfacial charge effects on ultrafast torsional dynamics in water nanodroplets
M Kondo, IA Heisler, J Conyard, JPH Rivett, SR Meech
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (6), 1632-1639, 2009
Size and energy level tuning of quantum dot solids via a hybrid ligand complex
ML Bohm, TC Jellicoe, JPH Rivett, A Sadhanala, NJLK Davis, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (17), 3510-3514, 2015
Chain coupling and luminescence in high-mobility, low-disorder conjugated polymers
TH Thomas, JPH Rivett, Q Gu, DJ Harkin, JM Richter, A Sadhanala, ...
ACS nano 13 (12), 13716-13727, 2019
Author Correction: Solution-processed perovskite light emitting diodes with efficiency exceeding 15% through additive-controlled nanostructure tailoring
M Ban, Y Zou, JPH Rivett, Y Yang, TH Thomas, Y Tan, T Song, X Gao, ...
Nature Communications 10, 2019
Carrier-phonon interactions in hybrid halide perovskites probed with ultrafast anisotropy studies
JPH Rivett, JM Richter, MB Price, D Credgington, F Deschler
Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XV 9923, 116-119, 2016
Effect of photon recycling on external photoluminescence quantum yields in lead-halide perovskites
JM Richter, M Abdi-Jalebi, A Sadhanala, M Tabachnyk, J Rivett, ...
submitted, 0
Exploiting localized charge accumulation regions in alloyed hybrid perovskites for highly efficient luminescence (Conference Presentation)
S Feldmann, S Macpherson, SP Senanayak, M Abdi-Jalebi, JPH Rivett, ...
Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices IX …, 2020
Research data supporting Photodoping through local charge carrier accumulation in alloyed hybrid perovskites for highly efficient luminescence
S Feldmann, S Macpherson, S Senanayak, M Abdi-Jalebi, J Rivett, G Nan, ...
Research data supporting: Long-lived polarization memory in the electronic states of lead-halide perovskites from local structural dynamics
FA Deschler, JPH Rivett, L Tan, M Price, S Bourelle, N Davis, Z Xiao, ...
Charge Carrier Dynamics of Lead Halide Perovskites Probed with Ultrafast Spectroscopy
JPH Rivett
Cation substitution reduces non-radiative losses in hybrid lead-halide perovskites
S Feldmann, JPH Rivett, TH Thomas, M Abdi Jalebi, S Macpherson, ...
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hybrid and Organic …, 2018
Origin of High Photoluminescence in Mixed-Cation Perovskites: Photodoping from energetic disorder
F Deschler, S Feldmann, S MacPherson, S Senanayak, J Rivett, ...
Proceedings of the nanoGe Fall Meeting 2018, 2018
論文 1–20