Hamid Behroozi
Hamid Behroozi
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Dept., Sharif University of Technology
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MoNuSAC2020: A multi-organ nuclei segmentation and classification challenge
R Verma, N Kumar, A Patil, NC Kurian, S Rane, S Graham, QD Vu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40 (12), 3413-3423, 2021
Jamming-resilient frequency hopping-aided secure communication for Internet-of-Things in the presence of an untrusted relay
M Letafati, A Kuhestani, H Behroozi, DWK Ng
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (10), 6771-6785, 2020
Sparse antenna and pulse placement for colocated MIMO radar
E Tohidi, M Coutino, SP Chepuri, H Behroozi, MM Nayebi, G Leus
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (3), 579-593, 2018
Three-hop untrusted relay networks with hardware imperfections and channel estimation errors for Internet of Things
M Letafati, A Kuhestani, H Behroozi
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 2856-2868, 2020
On the physical layer security of the cooperative rate-splitting-aided downlink in UAV networks
H Bastami, M Letafati, M Moradikia, A Abdelhadi, H Behroozi, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 5018-5033, 2021
Cooperative secure transmission relying on optimal power allocation in the presence of untrusted relays, a passive eavesdropper and hardware impairments
M Moradikia, H Bastami, A Kuhestani, H Behroozi, L Hanzo
IEEE Access 7, 116942-116964, 2019
A learning-based dipole yagi-uda antenna and phased array antenna for mmwave precoding and v2v communication in 5g systems
M Nouri, H Behroozi, A Jafarieh, SA Aghdam, MJ Piran, NK Mallat
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (3), 2789-2803, 2022
A new frequency hopping-aided secure communication in the presence of an adversary jammer and an untrusted relay
M Letafati, A Kuhestani, DWK Ng, H Behroozi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …, 2020
Hardware-impaired PHY secret key generation with man-in-the-middle adversaries
M Letafati, H Behroozi, BH Khalaj, EA Jorswieck
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 11 (4), 856-860, 2022
Deep learning for hardware-impaired wireless secret key generation with man-in-the-middle attacks
M Letafati, H Behroozi, BH Khalaj, EA Jorswieck
2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2021
On learning-assisted content-based secure image transmission for delay-aware systems with randomly-distributed eavesdroppers
M Letafati, H Behroozi, BH Khalaj, EA Jorswieck
IEEE Transactions on Communications 70 (2), 1125-1139, 2021
On the performance of hybrid digital-analog coding for broadcasting correlated Gaussian sources
H Behroozi, F Alajaji, T Linder
IEEE Transactions on Communications 59 (12), 3335-3342, 2011
Can a multi-hop link relying on untrusted amplify-and-forward relays render security?
MT Mamaghani, A Kuhestani, H Behroozi
Wireless Networks 27 (1), 795-807, 2021
Maximizing the secrecy energy efficiency of the cooperative rate-splitting aided downlink in multi-carrier UAV networks
H Bastami, M Moradikia, A Abdelhadi, H Behroozi, B Clerckx, L Hanzo
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 71 (11), 11803-11819, 2022
No-reference image quality assessment using transfer learning
H Otroshi-Shahreza, A Amini, H Behroozi
2018 9th International symposium on telecommunications (IST), 637-640, 2018
Compact 5G millimeter‐wave dual‐band filter with application in filtenna
M Nouri, A Jafarieh, H Behroozi, NK Mallat, MH Jamaluddin, SA Aghdam
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 63 (2), 620-625, 2021
A wideband 5G cyclostationary spectrum sensing method by kernel least mean square algorithm for cognitive radio networks
M Nouri, H Behroozi, NK Mallat, SA Aghdam
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (7), 2700-2704, 2021
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Secret Key Generation Under Spatially Correlated Channels in Quasi-Static Environments
V Shahiri, H Behroozi, A Kuhestani, KK Wong
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024
Context-aware colorization of gray-scale images utilizing a cycle-consistent generative adversarial network architecture
MM Johari, H Behroozi
Neurocomputing 407, 94-104, 2020
Adaptive fuzzy nonlinear sliding-mode controller for a car-like robot
M Shirzadeh, MH Shojaeefard, A Amirkhani, H Behroozi
2019 5th conference on knowledge based engineering and innovation (kbei …, 2019
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Articles 1–20