Lixia Jin
Lixia Jin
確認したメール アドレス: ucmerced.edu
High concentrations of single-walled carbon nanotubes lower soil enzyme activity and microbial biomass
L Jin, Y Son, TK Yoon, YJ Kang, W Kim, H Chung
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 88, 9-15, 2013
Single-walled carbon nanotubes alter soil microbial community composition
L Jin, Y Son, JL DeForest, YJ Kang, W Kim, H Chung
Science of the Total Environment 466, 533-538, 2014
The role of the physical properties of soil in determining biogeochemical responses to soil warming
F Santos, R Abney, M Barnes, N Bogie, TA Ghezzehei, L Jin, K Moreland, ...
Ecosystem Consequences of Soil Warming, 209-244, 2019
Soil properties and combustion temperature: Controls on the decomposition rate of pyrogenic organic matter
RB Abney, L Jin, AA Berhe
CATENA 182, 104127, 2019
Differences in soil aggregate, microbial biomass carbon concentration, and soil carbon between Pinus rigida and Larix kaempferi plantations in Yangpyeong …
CW Park, S Ko, TK Yoon, S Han, K Yi, W Jo, L Jin, SJ Lee, NJ Noh, ...
Forest Science and Technology 8 (1), 38-46, 2012
Effect of artificial warming on chlorophyll contents and net photosynthetic rate of Quercus variabilis seedlings in an open-field experiment
W Jo, Y Son, H Chung, NJ Noh, TK Yoon, S Han, SJ Lee, SK Lee, K Yi, ...
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science 100 (4), 733-737, 2011
(De) sorption of soil organic matter by mineral soils with varying iron oxide concentrations
L Jin, AAA Berhe
AGUFM 2019, B21H-2289, 2019
The Role of Erosion and Landform Position in Controlling the Fate of Pyrogenic Organic Matter
R Abney, TJ Kuhn, AT Chow, WC Hockaday, ML Fogel, L Jin, ...
AGUFM 2019, H31H-07, 2019
Characterization of Organic Matter in Pedogenic Iron-Containing Mineral Fractions: Effect of Iron Phase Crystallinity
L Jin, AA Berhe
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings (2019), 2019
Effects of Pedogenic Fe Oxides on Soil Aggregate-Associated Carbon
L Jin, AA Berhe
2017 AGU Fall Meeting, 2017
Effects of Pedogenic Fe Oxides on Soil Aggregate-Associated Carbon
A Asefaw Berhe, L Jin
AGUFM 2017, B41D-1980, 2017
Landform position and charring conditions control decomposition of soil organic matter and pyrogenic carbon
R Abney, L Jin, AA Berhe
AGUFM 2017, B22D-05, 2017
Stabilization of Organic Matter by Interactions with Iron Oxides: Relative Importance of Sorption vs. Aggregation
L Jin, AA Berhe
AGUFM 2015, B41F-0502, 2015
Relationship among soil aggregate, microbial biomass and soil carbon contents in Pinus rigida and Larix kaempferi plantations in Yangpyeong, central Korea
CW Park, S Ko, TK Yoon, S Han, WY Jo, K Yi, L Jin, SJ Lee, NJ Noh, ...
The Japanese Forest Society Congress The Japanese Forest Society Congress …, 2011
論文 1–14