Xiaolu Xiong
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Cited by
Going deeper with deep knowledge tracing.
X Xiong, S Zhao, EG Van Inwegen, JE Beck
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2016
Incorporating rich features into deep knowledge tracing
L Zhang, X Xiong, S Zhao, A Botelho, NT Heffernan
Proceedings of the fourth (2017) ACM conference on learning@ scale, 169-172, 2017
A memory-augmented neural model for automated grading
S Zhao, Y Zhang, X Xiong, A Botelho, N Heffernan
Proceedings of the fourth (2017) ACM conference on learning@ scale, 189-192, 2017
The future of adaptive learning: Does the crowd hold the key?
NT Heffernan, KS Ostrow, K Kelly, D Selent, EG Van Inwegen, X Xiong, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 26, 615-644, 2016
Estimating student proficiency: Deep learning is not the panacea
KH Wilson, X Xiong, M Khajah, RV Lindsey, S Zhao, Y Karklin, ...
In Neural information processing systems, workshop on machine learning for …, 2016
Limits to accuracy: how well can we do at student modeling?
J Beck, X Xiong
Educational Data Mining 2013, 2013
Will you get it right next week: Predict delayed performance in enhanced ITS mastery cycle
X Xiong, S Li, JE Beck
The Twenty-Sixth International FLAIRS Conference, 2013
An analysis of response time data for improving student performance prediction
X Xiong, Z Pardos, N Heffernan
Proceedings of the workshop on Educational Data at the 17th Conference on …, 2011
Improving students' long-term retention performance: a study on personalized retention schedules
X Xiong, Y Wang, JB Beck
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics And …, 2015
A study of exploring different schedules of spacing and retrieval interval on mathematics skills in ITS environment
X Xiong, JE Beck
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 12th International Conference, ITS 2014 …, 2014
Modeling student knowledge retention using deep learning and random forests
N Sharada, M Shashi, X Xiong
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13 (6), 1347-1353, 2018
Modeling student retention in an environment with delayed testing
S Li, X Xiong, JE Beck
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2013
Improving retention performance prediction with prerequisite skill features
X Xiong, S Adjei, N Heffernan
Educational Data Mining 2014, 2014
Using and designing platforms for in vivo educational experiments
JJ Williams, K Ostrow, X Xiong, E Glassman, J Kim, SG Maldonado, N Li, ...
Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale, 409-412, 2015
Class distinctions: Leveraging class-level features to predict student retention performance
X Xiong, JE Beck, S Li
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 16th International Conference, AIED …, 2013
Improving Long-Term Retention Level in an Environment of Personalized Expanding Intervals.
X Xiong, JB Beck
EDM, 582-583, 2015
Experimenting choices of video and text feedback in authentic foreign language assignments at scale
X Lu, X Xiong, NT Heffernan
Proceedings of the Fourth (2017) ACM Conference on learning@ scale, 335-338, 2017
Enhanced Retention Performance Modeling for Intelligent Tutoring System
N Sharada, M Shashi, X Xiong
International Journal of Computer Applications 151 (10), 2016
Theory and Practice: Improving Retention Performance through Student Modeling and System Building
X Xiong
ASSISTments Efficacy Trial: The Automatic Reassessment and Remediation System
N Heffernan, X Xiong, A Botelho, C Heffernan
AIED, 2017
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Articles 1–20