Yuji Isagi
Yuji Isagi
確認したメール アドレス: kyoto-u.ac.jp
How does masting happen and synchronize?
Y Isagi, K Sugimura, A Sumida, H Ito
Journal of Theoretical Biology 187 (2), 231-239, 1997
Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics
DMJS Bowman, GK Brown, MF Braby, JR Brown, LG Cook, MD Crisp, ...
Journal of Biogeography 37 (2), 201-216, 2010
Net production and carbon cycling in a bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens stand
Y Isagi, T Kawahara*, K Kamo*, H Ito
Plant Ecology 130, 41-52, 1997
Methodological trends and perspectives of animal dietary studies by noninvasive fecal DNA metabarcoding
H Ando, H Mukai, T Komura, T Dewi, M Ando, Y Isagi
Environmental DNA 2 (4), 391-406, 2020
Climate oscillation during the Quaternary associated with landscape heterogeneity promoted allopatric lineage divergence of a temperate tree Kalopanax septemlobus (Araliaceae …
S Sakaguchi, YX QIU, YIHUI LIU, XINS QI, SEAH KIM, J Han, Y Takeuchi, ...
Molecular Ecology 21 (15), 3823-3838, 2012
Range Expansion and Its Mechanisms in a Naturalized Bamboo Species, Phyllostachys pubescens, in Japan
Y Isagi, A Torii
Journal of Sustainable Forestry 6 (1-2), 127-141, 1997
PCR primers amplifying microsatellite loci of Quercus myrsinifolia Blume and their conservation between oak species
Y Isagi, S Suhandono
Molecular Ecology 6 (9), 897-899, 1997
Microsatellite analysis of the regeneration process of Magnolia obovata Thunb
Y Isagi, T Kanazashi, W Suzuki, H Tanaka, T Abe
Heredity 84 (2), 143-151, 2000
Clonal structure and flowering traits of a bamboo [Phyllostachys pubescens (Mazel) Ohwi] stand grown from a simultaneous flowering as revealed by AFLP analysis
Y Isagi, K Shimada, H Kushima, N Tanaka, A Nagao, T Ishikawa, ...
Molecular Ecology 13 (7), 2017-2021, 2004
Seasonal changes in pollinator activity influence pollen dispersal and seed production of the alpine shrub Rhododendron aureum (Ericaceae)
AS Hirao, Y Kameyama, M Ohara, Y Isagi, G Kudo
Molecular ecology 15 (4), 1165-1173, 2006
Biomass and net production in a bamboo Phyllostachys bambusoides stand
Y Isagi, T Kawahara, K Kamo
Ecological research 8, 123-133, 1993
Responses of Cyperus brevifolius (Rottb.) Hassk. and Cyperus kyllingia Endl. to varying soil water availability
A Rodiyati, E Arisoesilaningsih, Y Isagi, N Nakagoshi
Environmental and experimental botany 53 (3), 259-269, 2005
Diet analysis by next‐generation sequencing indicates the frequent consumption of introduced plants by the critically endangered red‐headed wood pigeon (C olumba janthina …
H Ando, S Setsuko, K Horikoshi, H Suzuki, S Umehara, ...
Ecology and Evolution 3 (12), 4057-4069, 2013
Pollination efficiencies of flower‐visiting insects as determined by direct genetic analysis of pollen origin
Y Matsuki, R Tateno, M Shibata, Y Isagi
American Journal of Botany 95 (8), 925-930, 2008
Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus
E Kitahara, Y Isagi, Y Ishibashi, T Saitoh
Molecular Ecology 9 (10), 1661-1662, 2000
High-throughput linkage mapping of Australian white cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla) and map transferability to related species
S Sakaguchi, T Sugino, Y Tsumura, M Ito, MD Crisp, DMJS Bowman, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 11, 1-12, 2015
Variation in pollen dispersal between years with different pollination conditions in a tropical emergent tree
T Kenta, Y Isagi, M Nakagawa, M Yamashita, T Nakashizuka
Molecular Ecology 13 (11), 3575-3584, 2004
Effect of gene flow on spatial genetic structure in the riparian canopy tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum revealed by microsatellite analysis
T Sato, Y Isagi, H Sakio, K Osumi, S Goto
Heredity 96 (1), 79-84, 2006
Livistona palms in Australia: ancient relics or opportunistic immigrants?
MD Crisp, Y Isagi, Y Kato, LG Cook, DMJS Bowman
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54 (2), 512-523, 2010
The determination of multiple microsatellite genotypes and DNA sequences from a single pollen grain
Y Matsuki, Y Isagi, Y Suyama
Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (2), 194-198, 2007
論文 1–20