The interlayer screening effect of graphene sheets investigated by Kelvin probe force microscopy NJ Lee, JW Yoo, YJ Choi, CJ Kang, DY Jeon, DC Kim, S Seo, HJ Chung Applied Physics Letters 95 (22), 2009 | 172 | 2009 |
Oxide double‐layer nanocrossbar for ultrahigh‐density bipolar resistive memory SH Chang, SB Lee, DY Jeon, SJ Park, GT Kim, SM Yang, SC Chae, ... Advanced materials 23 (35), 4063, 2011 | 146 | 2011 |
The structural and electrical evolution of graphene by oxygen plasma-induced disorder DC Kim, DY Jeon, HJ Chung, YS Woo, JK Shin, S Seo Nanotechnology 20 (37), 375703, 2009 | 133 | 2009 |
Revisited parameter extraction methodology for electrical characterization of junctionless transistors DY Jeon, SJ Park, M Mouis, M Berthomé, S Barraud, GT Kim, G Ghibaudo Solid-State Electronics 90, 86-93, 2013 | 125 | 2013 |
Low-temperature electrical characterization of junctionless transistors DY Jeon, SJ Park, M Mouis, S Barraud, GT Kim, G Ghibaudo Solid-State Electronics 80, 135-141, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Radio-frequency electrical characteristics of single layer graphene DY Jeon, KJ Lee, M Kim, DC Kim, HJ Chung, YS Woo, S Seo Japanese journal of applied physics 48 (9R), 091601, 2009 | 55 | 2009 |
Stack structure comprising epitaxial graphene, method of forming the stack structure, and electronic device comprising the stack structure Y Woo, SA Seo, D Kim, H Chung, DY Jeon US Patent 8,159,037, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
3D Architecturing Strategy on the Utmost Carbon Nanotube Fiber for Ultra‐High Performance Fiber‐Shaped Supercapacitor JG Kim, H Yu, JY Jung, MJ Kim, DY Jeon, HS Jeong, ND Kim Advanced Functional Materials 32 (28), 2113057, 2022 | 48 | 2022 |
High-resolution field effect sensing of ferroelectric charges H Ko, K Ryu, H Park, C Park, D Jeon, YK Kim, J Jung, DK Min, Y Kim, ... Nano letters 11 (4), 1428-1433, 2011 | 45 | 2011 |
Low-frequency noise behavior of junctionless transistors compared to inversion-mode transistors DY Jeon, SJ Park, M Mouis, S Barraud, GT Kim, G Ghibaudo Solid-state electronics 81, 101-104, 2013 | 43 | 2013 |
Scaling and graphical transport-map analysis of ambipolar Schottky-barrier thin-film transistors based on a parallel array of Si nanowires DY Jeon, S Pregl, SJ Park, L Baraban, G Cuniberti, T Mikolajick, ... Nano letters 15 (7), 4578-4584, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Effects of channel width variation on electrical characteristics of tri-gate Junctionless transistors DY Jeon, SJ Park, M Mouis, S Barraud, GT Kim, G Ghibaudo Solid-State Electronics 81, 58-62, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Piezo-impedance response of carbon nanotube/polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposites DY Jeon, H Kim, MW Lee, SJ Park, GT Kim APL Materials 7 (4), 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Reconfigurable Si nanowire nonvolatile transistors SJ Park, DY Jeon, S Piontek, M Grube, J Ocker, V Sessi, A Heinzig, ... Advanced Electronic Materials 4 (1), 1700399, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Hybrid dielectrics composed of Al2O3 and phosphonic acid self-assembled monolayers for performance improvement in low voltage organic field effect transistors S Jang, D Son, S Hwang, M Kang, SK Lee, DY Jeon, S Bae, SH Lee, ... Nano Convergence 5, 1-8, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Back biasing effects in tri-gate junctionless transistors SJ Park, DY Jeon, L Montès, S Barraud, GT Kim, G Ghibaudo Solid-state electronics 87, 74-79, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Impact of series resistance on the operation of junctionless transistors DY Jeon, SJ Park, M Mouis, S Barraud, GT Kim, G Ghibaudo Solid-State Electronics 129, 103-107, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Mixed ionic and electronic conduction in radical polymers I Yu, D Jeon, B Boudouris, Y Joo Macromolecules 53 (11), 4435-4441, 2020 | 26 | 2020 |
Static electrical characterization and low frequency noise of a-InHfZnO thin film transistors SJ Park, DY Jeon, SE Ahn, S Jeon, L Montès, GT Kim, G Ghibaudo Thin Solid Films 548, 560-565, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Electrical properties of the ZnO nanowire transistor and its analysis with equivalent circuit model CY Yim, DY Jeon, KH Kim, GT Kim, YS Woo, S Roth, JS Lee, S Kim Journal of the Korean Physical Society 48 (6), 1565-1569, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |