Robert J. Teather
Robert J. Teather
Associate Professor & Director, School of Information Technology, Carleton University
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Virtual reality and augmented reality in social learning spaces: a literature review
A Scavarelli, A Arya, RJ Teather
Virtual Reality 25 (1), 257-277, 2021
Pointing at 3D targets in a stereo head-tracked virtual environment
RJ Teather, W Stuerzlinger
2011 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 87-94, 2011
Effects of tracking technology, latency, and spatial jitter on object movement
RJ Teather, A Pavlovych, W Stuerzlinger, IS MacKenzie
IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces. 3DUI 2009., 43-50, 2009
The Eyes Don’t Have It: An Empirical Comparison of Head-Based and Eye-Based Selection in Virtual Reality
YY Qian, RJ Teather
ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction - SUI '17, 91-98, 2017
Evaluating discrete viewpoint control to reduce cybersickness in virtual reality
Y Farmani, RJ Teather
Virtual Reality, 20, 2020
Pointing at 3D Target Projections with One-Eyed and Stereo Cursors
RJ Teather, W Stuerzlinger
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '13. CHI 2013 …, 2013
Viewpoint Snapping to Reduce Cybersickness in Virtual Reality
Y Farmani, RJ Teather
Graphics Interface, 159-166, 2018
FittsTilt: The application of Fitts' law to tilt-based interaction
IS MacKenzie, RJ Teather
Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2012
Guidelines for 3D positioning techniques
RJ Teather, W Stuerzlinger
Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Future Play, 61-68, 2007
HaptoBend: Shape-Changing Passive Haptic Feedback in Virtual Reality
JC McClelland, RJ Teather, A Girouard
ACM symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 82-90, 2017
Visual Aids in 3D Point Selection Experiments
RJ Teather, W Stuerzlinger
ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction - SUI 2014, 127-136, 2014
Assessing the effects of orientation and device on (constrained) 3D movement techniques
RJ Teather, W Stuerzlinger
2008 IEEE symposium on 3D user interfaces, 43-50, 2008
The avatar affordances framework: mapping affordances and design trends in character creation interfaces
V McArthur, RJ Teather, J Jenson
Proceedings of the 2015 annual symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2015
Vr collide! comparing collision-avoidance methods between co-located virtual reality users
A Scavarelli, RJ Teather
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
Touchscreens vs. traditional controllers in handheld gaming
L Zaman, D Natapov, RJ Teather
Proceedings of the international academic conference on the future of game …, 2010
Evaluating the Effectiveness of HUDs and Diegetic Ammo Displays in First-person Shooter Games
M Peacocke, RJ Teather, J Carette, IS MacKenzie
IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Games, Entertainment, and Media Conference …, 2015
Is 60 FPS better than 30? The impact of frame rate and latency on moving target selection
BF Janzen, RJ Teather
CHI EA '14 - Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1477-1482, 2014
A Fitts' law evaluation of video game controllers: thumbstick, touchpad and gyrosensor
A Ramcharitar, RJ Teather
Proceedings of the 2017 chi conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
Position vs. Velocity Control for Tilt-Based Interaction
RJ Teather, IS MacKenzie
Graphics Interface 2014, 51-58, 2014
Evaluating Haptic Feedback in Virtual Environments using ISO 9241-9
D Natapov, RJ Teather
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference - VR 2010, 307-308, 2010
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Articles 1–20