Andrew T. Conn
Cited by
Cited by
Magnetic actuation methods in bio/soft robotics
N Ebrahimi, C Bi, DJ Cappelleri, G Ciuti, AT Conn, D Faivre, N Habibi, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (11), 2005137, 2021
A magnetically coupled dielectric elastomer pump for soft robotics
C Cao, X Gao, AT Conn
Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (8), 1900128, 2019
Swimming like algae: biomimetic soft artificial cilia
S Sareh, J Rossiter, A Conn, K Drescher, RE Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10 (78), 20120666, 2013
Spray deposited multilayered dielectric elastomer actuators
OA Araromi, AT Conn, CS Ling, JM Rossiter, R Vaidyanathan, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 167 (2), 459-467, 2011
Towards holonomic electro-elastomer actuators with six degrees of freedom
AT Conn, J Rossiter
Smart Materials and Structures 21 (3), 035012, 2012
Biomimetic chromatophores for camouflage and soft active surfaces
J Rossiter, B Yap, A Conn
Bioinspiration & biomimetics 7 (3), 036009, 2012
A soft matter computer for soft robots
M Garrad, G Soter, AT Conn, H Hauser, J Rossiter
Science Robotics 4 (33), eaaw6060, 2019
Bodily aware soft robots: integration of proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors
G Soter, A Conn, H Hauser, J Rossiter
2018 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 2448-2453, 2018
Design of a parallel crank-rocker flapping mechanism for insect-inspired micro air vehicles
AT Conn, SC Burgess, CS Ling
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2007
Skin-on interfaces: A bio-driven approach for artificial skin design to cover interactive devices
M Teyssier, G Bailly, C Pelachaud, E Lecolinet, A Conn, A Roudaut
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and …, 2019
Elastic electroadhesion with rapid release by integrated resonant vibration
X Gao, C Cao, J Guo, A Conn
Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (1), 1800378, 2019
Toward a dielectric elastomer resonator driven flapping wing micro air vehicle
C Cao, S Burgess, AT Conn
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 137, 2019
Euglenoid-inspired giant shape change for highly deformable soft robots
KM Digumarti, AT Conn, J Rossiter
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (4), 2302-2307, 2017
Power optimization of a conical dielectric elastomer actuator for resonant robotic systems
C Cao, X Gao, S Burgess, AT Conn
Extreme Mechanics Letters 35, 100619, 2020
Bistable minimum energy structures (BiMES) for binary robotics
M Follador, AT Conn, J Rossiter
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (6), 065037, 2015
A compliantly coupled dielectric elastomer actuator using magnetic repulsion
C Cao, X Gao, AT Conn
Applied Physics Letters 114 (1), 2019
From natural flyers to the mechanical realization of a flapping wing micro air vehicle
A Conn, S Burgess, R Hyde, CS Ling
2006 IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics, 439-444, 2006
Liquid-amplified zipping actuators for micro-air vehicles with transmission-free flapping
T Helps, C Romero, M Taghavi, AT Conn, J Rossiter
Science Robotics 7 (63), eabi8189, 2022
Using an inerter to enhance an active-passive-combined vehicle suspension system
H He, Y Li, JZ Jiang, S Burrow, S Neild, A Conn
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 204, 106535, 2021
B: Ionic glove: A soft smart wearable sensory feedback device for upper limb robotic prostheses
MF Simons, KM Digumarti, NH Le, HY Chen, SC Carreira, NSS Zaghloul, ...
IEEE robotics and automation letters 6 (2), 3311-3316, 2021
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Articles 1–20